"A new— what?"

Zoe felt like face-palming right then and there. "Which Star Wars?" Keith clarified.

"The one with the teddy bears. Duh." Steve began to mimic the sounds of Ewok. Robin couldn't bare to look at Steve anymore. "No? Uh... oh, the one that just came out. The movie that just came out. The one with DeLorean and Alex P. Keaton, and he's trying to bang his mom." Steve laughed but quickly stopped when realizing that no one else had done the same.

"Back to the Future, Steve." Zoe sighed, nothing was going to help him now. She would have watched the movie but she had been too banged up on drugs to do so and the time, he had helped her. So she would have to return the favor.

"Yeah, those are my top three. Classics." Steve finished off.

Keith pointed to the two girls, "You two start Monday." He then shifted his glance towards Steve, "You start never."

Steve looked sadden, but he was expecting it. Zoe patted his shoulder in an effort to cheer him up. "Will you just, um... will you just give us a minute?" Robin asked Steve. He hesitated for a moment before aggressively yanking his resume back. Robin leaned in on the counter. "Alright, you have to understand, Keith, I know his taste is a bit pedestrian, but the dingus has other qualities."

Keith disagreed, "He's a douchebag of the highest order, Robin."

"Yeah Steve was a major douchebag, but he's changed. We've all changed and this isn't high-school anymore." Zoe agreed with Robin, trying to back up her point. But to be fair, Zoe couldn't relate to either sides. She wasn't a 'major loser' or one of the rich kids— she was just there. And she had changed, just like Steve had, and that was all that mattered.

"He was a bit of prick to us in high-school, I'll grant you that, but he remains... a total chick magnet." Robin spoke, and Zoe had caught on immediately.

"Yeah, okay, and this is relevant to me how?" Keith asked, growing in the verge of not hiring anyone that day.

"Uh, Earth to Keith. The ladies will come in just to see him. They'll come in droves. Droves, Keith. We sold so much ice cream, they had to get a second shipment in from Michigan. Goddam Michigan, Keith. And these ladies... these ladies are hot. They're so very hot." Zoe smacked her shoulder lightly (totally not because of slight jealousy), trying to get her back on track. "And there are too many of them for little Steve. He needs assistance. He needs your assistance, Keith." Robin emphasized her point.

"Think about it Keith, perhaps you don't have to spend all your time at the arcade and family video... if you get what I mean." Zoe added on.

Keith continued chewing on his chips, in deep thought. The argument had definitely been rather persuasive, he had to give them that. The only thing that Robin had failed to mention was the fact that Steve had been failing tremendously in the dating apartment, it had been awhile since his last date. "What's in it for you? You got a thing for him or something?" Keith asked Robin.

Robin was about to interject but the sound of cardboard behind her had distracted her. They turned around to catch Steve bump into a cardboard cutout of Phoebe Cates. He desperately tried to grab and place it back up but he was failing tremendously at doing so. She turned back towards Keith. "We're just friends. Besides, I've already got someone." Robin spoke, wrapping one arm around Zoe's shoulder.

Steve flipped the cardboard cutout around, "Oh! Fast Times. Fast Times. Ever heard of it? Top three for me, Keith!" Steve stared at the poster more, mocking Keith a bit more. He kept making it more harder to like him, but somehow, Zoe and Robin found a way. They laughed at his hilarious stupidity.

"So, do we've got the jobs or what?" Zoe asked coyly.

"Fine. Don't be late. Monday, be there." Out of pure joy, Zoe pulled Robin into a hug. Maybe this job wouldn't be so bad, hopefully, things in Hawkins would stay normal for once. And hopefully, Zoe Addams could finally grow the courage to say 'I love you'. But of course, that would have been crazy. And after the Starcourt Mall incident, Zoe was pretty much done with crazy for the most part.


(I know I just posted the chapter in a matter of hours but I wanted to get it out of the way so I could start writing my other stories.) Thank you for reading this story all the way through. You probably aren't as emotional as me right now, but I may or not be balling my eyes out. I will not say goodbye to Zoe and Robin, but God I'm gonna miss writing them. I left it pretty opened-ended in case season 4 is writeable for Zoe and Robin. So, who knows, we might be seeing them again in the future. As of now however, this is where there story ends but in our hearts, it will continue forever. Thank you stydiqs for the plot, I truly loved writing every moment of it.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, robin buckley ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें