Question 10 (BUT IT'S A DARE!)

63 3 9


Lexi finds infinite and Crystalonetta, and indeed infinite was having a nosebleed.

Lexi: Okay, time for the magic. *snaps her fingers and banjo Kazooie appears out of nowhere. Banjo shoots a grenade out of kazooie*

Infinite: What the hell!? Hm?

Banjo: Wanna know how I but grenades into this bird...?

*Infinite is forever scarred after witnessing Banjo stuff bombs down kazooie's throat*

Lexi: I did it. I saved the world.

Crystalonetta: *triggered*

Lexi: Oh.... h-hi.. Crystalonetta... I-I can explain-

Crystalonetta: I'M SICK OF YOUR SHIT! *grabs Lexi by the leg and tosses her far away*

Lexi: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

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