Slow People

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Slow people

Ok there are slow people everywhere. In cars, in front of you, everywhere. And sometimes in the car I think to myself

Dear car in front of me,

If you continue to be so slow that you get on top of your hood and start feeding pidgeons I will shoot you :)

Smiley face at the end because I'm not violent. Anyway my sister is like the slowest walker and I just rage at her so often like she'll be walking and then she'll look around and casually stroll and stop once in a while. are you racing turtles or something? JUST MOVE GOD DAMMIT. YOU CAN EITHER WALK BEHIND ME OR NEXT TO ME, NO IN FRONT MMKAY? MMKAY. Anyway, did I mention how a random slow walker yelled at me one time? Hehe whale..she walked ya know HELLA SLOW then I got so pissed I started stepping on her heels deliberately just to get her to move quicker or fall over but I couldn't even walk past because it was a busy road. And then she turns around and starts yelling at me and accusing me of being a disrespectful teenager high on something. Yeah bitch I'm high off of YO DICK. So yeah I just kind of regretted my actions at that point but then I pretended I couldn't understand English. Then I ran away and my friend was just laughing at me like bitch I just got yelled at by a middle aged woman do you know what this can do to my reputation? JEEZ

so yeah. That's about it and if your a slow walker MOVE YO ANUS.

QOTD: favourite food:

AOTD: Children

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