3. 𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓪 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼

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"What did you think you were the only one that's good at Potions?" she asked, he just shrugged. They finished their potion well before most of the class and after that Slughorns mood seemed to get better.

"So what do you both smell?" He asked, they both just shrugged. "Well take a sniff."

"I smell hot chocolate, my mother's cookies, leather, apples and muddy grass," announced Avalon.

"What about you Mr Black?" Asked Slughorn, the boy in question hesitated but took a whiff anyway.

"I smell old books, fresh air and..." he paused and sniffed again.

"And what," egged on Slughorn with a gleeful expression, everyone knew Regulus was one of his favourite students.

"And cigarette smoke."

"Odd," said Slughorn. "Do you know someone who smokes?"

Regulus looked at the ground and shook his head.

"It's probably better that way, it's bad for your health if you ask me," replied Slughorn before wisping off towards some Ravenclaws' who had just yelled that they were finished.

"Sirius, he smells like cigarettes," suggested Avalon, but she immediately regretted it after Regulus's thundery eyes darted up to her hazel ones, filled with pure rage.

"You don't get to tell me anything about Sirius," he snapped, "don't bring that traitor up near me again or you might just wake up with no vocal cords."

Avalon didn't flinch at his outburst or his little threat, which only made him more angry, but she didn't care she had already come this far.

"It's okay to love your brother Regulus," she said, he snorted.

"I don't love him okay," he said, his look of anger only slightly wavering, it quickly returned but Avalon had caught it. "He-he's not my brother and I don't love him."

It was then that Avalon caught on as he looked away from her and to the ceiling. He was conflicted, his heart and mind were telling him two different things. It was the first time she had ever seen Regulus Black vulnerable.

Suddenly it dawned on her that no matter how many times she tried to demonise him, no matter what type of a person she thought he was, he was human and this was the first time she had truly let herself pay attention.

Suddenly it dawned on her that no matter how many times she tried to demonise him, no matter what type of a person she thought he was, he was human and this was the first time she had truly let herself pay attention

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Regulus Black sunk to the green clad floor of his dormitory in a fit of anger and annoyance. He had never let anyone see him that vulnerable, ever. He knew the Potter girl had seen his slight slip up because he had felt her pitiful glance for the rest of the potions lesson. He didn't think he would have smelt Sirius in that Potion because he had spent almost all of his summer convincing himself that Sirius was no longer his brother, which he thought had worked. He's not my brother he repeated to himself in his thoughts. He's not my brother. He is not my brother. He's a traitor.

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