Chapter 2

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As the plane touched down in Miami Lexi gripped her seat, this was the only downside to flying the landing. Her stomach flipped as the wheels touched the ground. catching her breath, she looked out the window, into the beautiful Miami sun. A rush of excitement she turned in her seat to the girls behind and smiled. "were finally here" she said.
As the seat belt site turned off they stood up and stretched, even though they had moved around during the flight everything ached, form being seated to long. The cabin pressure making everyone ankles a little thicker than they had been when they started the journey.
Collecting their bags, they waited in line to leave the plane. Ahead they could hear a few excited screams and saw a few flashes of a camera.

"What's going on" Jackie asked trying to look over the heads in front of her.
"No idea "Lexi replied shrugging, "must be someone famous "
The line moved slowly and they gradually made their way down the ramp into the hot air, that waited to greet them as they left the air conditioning.
Following the signs, they walked through the corridors to the security desks. As they waited they could hear the commotion from earlier and stood on tip toes to see who it was. Too many people were doing the same and all Lexi could see was four heads of hair being rushed through by a security team.  They joined the lines pointed out to them by the airport staff and waited for their turn.
After the usual passport checks, questions and photos they made their way to baggage claim and patiently waited for the cases to start coming through on the conveyer belt.
Everyone looked exhausted. they had already been awake for over 22 hours and travelling for most of it. In a few hours' time they could relax and get a good night's sleep.
Once all the bags had been picked off the conveyor belt, the group made their way outside into the beautiful Miami heat. As the door opened they could smell the trees and the rain from the earlier down pour.
Looking around they followed more signs until they saw a line of taxi's and made their way over. As they made their way to the front, two cars were filled with their suitcases and the girls all bundled in. Lexi passed the driver their destination and they were off.
As they headed over the bridge they could see the Miami skyline all lit up against the night sky and each of them took pictures of the beautiful sight.
Ten minutes later, they arrived at the house they had rented on the sea front. Years of saving for this trip had meant they could treat themselves to a little luxury.
Paying the drivers, the girls made their way up the slope to the front door. Lexi took out the instructions she had been sent and found the key lock box. Entering the five-digit code, the box popped open to reveal the key. she lifted the key out and closed the box back up.
Moving to the door she turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open. They followed the corridor into a large kitchen and living room area, where two large sofas were arranged around a beautiful white table. To the left was a staircase that seemed to twist around the edge of the room, which must be where all the bedrooms were.
Lexi opened the double doors and stepped through onto a large decking area, lit up with rows and rows of beautiful fairy lights and walked across to the wall which she knew led to the beach. She has spent ages going through the pictures, to remind herself how wonderful it was going to be. As she got closer to the wall she kicked off her shoes and walked down the four steps to the sand.
Ever since she was a child she loved the feel of the sand between her toes. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and walked across the sand towards the water. Here she could really breath and relax. finally forget about the last few years of heartache and start the new chapter of her life. Rachel had quietly walked up beside her put her arm around her shoulders.
"here's where it begins Lex. This is where you put your head and heart back together and start a fresh. Forget that arse back home he no longer matters" Rachel said as she hugged her close.
As they turned back towards the house she noticed everyone outside, looking out across the water all completely exhausted yet completely content. out of the corner of her eye she saw movement in the upstairs window of the house next door. It could have been someone just walking past the window, but Lexi could swear someone was watching her. Great she thought, only I could pick a house with a weirdo next door.
They made their way inside and each picked the rooms they would be spending the next three weeks in. Lexi had spoken to the firm in charge of the house and gave them a list of items they would need for their first few days in house, until they had checked out the area properly for themselves.
Jackie was busy pouring everyone a glass of wine and passing them around. Leanne and Carlotta were busy opening crisps and putting them in bowls on the tables and the others were all sat on the sofas. Taking her glass of wine from Jackie Lexi made her way over and sat down.
They talked for the next hour about the plans for the next few days until they could no longer keep their eyes open.

As the girls headed to their rooms Lexi cleared up the remaining glasses and placed them in the dishwasher ready for the morning. She climbed the stairs and walked to the far end of the hallway. Opening her door, she turned off the hallway light and closed the door behind her.
She has chosen this room ages ago for the view. from this angle she could see the sea for miles either way and would be able to watch the waves crash should they have a windy day. there was a small balcony outside the door which she looked forward to using during their time there.
As she went to close the curtains she saw a figure walking up the beach towards the water. Slowly he got closer and closer to the water, until his feet were covered by the small waves coming in to shore. from behind him she saw another figure running across the beach and jumping on the back of the first person, knocking him into the sea. she could tell they were laughing and it made her smile. Not wanting to be caught spying, she closed the curtains and crawled into bed.
Jet lag was never kind to her and she knew she would be awake in only a matter of hours, ready to start the day.

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