three: Hi, i suppose

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3rd pov

The red haired man looks over at Jax, scanning him up and down. He furrows his eyebrows before looking over at Lynn. "who's the kid?"

"His name is Jax.. we found him in our tent. He ran away from home" Lynn says, the red haired man snickering at the boy.

"So you invited him to be one of you guys?" the man laughs, shifting in his seat and ruffling his own hair.

"Josh, it's alright. We can train him to fight. i'm sure he's a fast runner!!" Aria says, to now the known man named Josh.

Josh smiles, nodding as he turns around and starts the car. He looks behind the seat as he backs up, then looks forward again as she starts to drive.

"Where's Tyler?" Avery asks, looking at the empty front seat.

"back at the camp we're going to" Josh replies, smirking. He slowly reaches over and turns on the radio, the sound of music filling the surprisingly clean car. Jax pulls out a few granola bars, handing them to each person in the car, earning some smiles.

As the car pulls into long skinny muddy road, Jax starts getting nervous.. what if they're planning to do something bad to him? They pull into a parking space, and they all get out.

Josh leads them to the beginning of the forest, and smiles, slipping through the trees as the 4 teenagers follow close behind. They go left and right, jumping over logs, and finally after around 8 minutes, Josh leads them into an open space, with a fire, logs to sit on, and a smaller brown haired boy, sitting by the fire.

They all walk up to him, and Josh taps him on the shoulder. The boy turns around and smiles, seeing Josh, Avery, Aria, and Lynn, but frowns at the sight of Jax.

"he's new.. the kids found him in their tent.. apparently he's "one of us" now" Josh says, using air quotations.

Tyler nods, smiling at Jax. "Hi, i suppose"

Josh leads the teenagers over to some tents. there's 3, so one for Josh and Tyler, one for Lynn and Avery, and one for Aria and Jax.

"Avery, Lynn, you share a tent, but PLEASE nothing sexual." Tyler sighs.

The teens laugh, smiling to the comment before getting in their tents, setting up their clothes and beds. Jax lays down on the blow up bed, sighing as he takes out his phone and earbuds, starting to listen to his music.

Josh sticks his head in the tent, "you good Jax? comfy? warm?" Jax smiles and nods, saying thank you.

"no worries, kid.. i'm always here to help.. so is Tyler.. he may seem like a dick at times, but once you get to know him, he's the sweetest, most kind, adorable person ever.." Josh says, blushing and laughing a little, before saying "come out whenever you want.. we're just sitting around." he smiles, leaving the tent and zipping it back up..

Jax smiles, knowing he finally had found people he could connect with, a semi home, and a place far away from his parents...

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