Chapter 1

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Sienna's POV:

My phone buzzes, waking me up with a grown. There's a moment before I'm awake, even though I'm not exactly sleeping, where I forget all my pain. It's a beautiful moment. Then the smile washes away and I'm awake. I slide open my phone and answer it, not bothering to check the caller ID. Who else would call me at six a.m.?

"Sienna," His strong voice still sends chills down my spine even though I knew it was him. Suddenly I can practically feel his hands on me. I bite my lip to avoid screaming from the memories.


"Get here. You have ten clients today. Be here in an hour, or I'll pick you up myself."

"Y-yes, sir."

He hangs up, and I scramble out of bed. I can't be late. I know what will happen if I'm late.

I leave my mom a note, saying I'm going to hang out with 'Ashley'. I don't really have friends. I made up Ashley as an excuse when I have to go to Asher. It's the closest I can get to telling her the truth.

My skin is still crawling from the memories. I glance at the clock. I have to leave in twenty minutes to be there on time. I slip into some leggings and a sweater. Grabbing my blade from the desk, I run to the bathroom.

I duck into the room and search for a clean spot. I only cut on my upper legs and arms. I know I'd get caught if I cut on my wrist.

I suppose I could also die, but would that really be so bad?

I roll up my sleeves and press the blade to one of the only white spots. Blood seeps through my skin as the blade travels along my arm. Caught up in the numbness, I lose track of time.

I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago. Crap. Quickly, I grab a napkin and press it against the blood.

I hurry downstairs, but I know he's waiting for me. He always is.

I don't even open the door fully before he grabs me and pulls me outside. I yelp, but he quickly covers my mouth. I don't try to escape.

Asher takes me to the car and locks me in the back.

"Where the hell were you?" He screams, banging his hand against the horn at a traffic light. He turns to face me. Venom courses through his face. I know I'm going to be sorry for this.

I know he doesn't want an answer, so I don't give him one. I'm only allowed to speak when given permission.

"I lost a client because of you," Asher growls. I know what he'll do when we get to his house.

Several minutes pass. Asher rolls into the driveway. I follow him inside. He never hurts me outside. There are plenty of neighbors that would definitely call the police on him.

As soon as we're inside, he grabs my arm. His fingers press down hard onto my skin. I know there will be marks from that.

He tosses me down the stairs as though I'm nothing but a throw pillow. I curl into a ball to avoid too much damage, though of course, it still hurts like hell.

Asher slides off my shirt and bra. I whimper as he slips his hand down my underwear and pulls it off with my pants.

He slips off his belt and smacks it against me again and again. I scream and cry as it hits my body. His pants fall and he slides off his underwear with it. Asher pushes me against the wall as he rips apart my insides. I can't help the screams, even though he slaps me every time I let out a shout.

Once he feels he's hurt me enough, he pushes himself out of me. Asher whispers into my ear, "I hope you learned your lesson."

I nod, while my whole body shakes. I pull my clothes back on and sit on the bed. So many bad memories occurred in this basement. So many men. So much pain.

When you come downstairs, there's a shelf of different drinks and drugs. Then, there's a closet of clean sheets. Next to that, the bed that I'm sitting on now. Where my worst nightmares occur.

Every day.

There won't be anything this explicit after the first few chapters of the book, this was just to show what Sienna faces daily. Are you guys enjoying it so far?

Can I Breathe? (Sabrina Carpenter)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora