-I Will Not Be Silenced ✨

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Mike had always been. . . quiet and a bit distant from you. You never really understood why. 

Mike's POV

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at it. Whatever it was, it was acting like my mother. . . She has been dead for years so it was impossible for it to be her. . . It was manipulating me. . . I tripped over something my grandfather left in the floor, sending me falling back into the cabinet door. Everything went black.

Your POV

You grabbed a cup from the cabinet and turned on the faucet. You poured a glass of cool tap water, putting the glass to your lips. The water was disgusting as always. City water tasted like bleach. You looked out the window as you drank, seeing someone race across your yard and up to your front door. 

You heard about three knocks, very quick knocks at that. You went to the door, looking out the peep hole just to see Bills distressed face.

You opened the door and he immediately started babbling in a stuttering mess. 

"Y-y/n h-h-help, Mike, h-hes d-d-disappeared." he said. "P-Pennywise.."

Once you heard that name, you knew exactly what he meant. You let him in. 

"Stay here, ill get dressed, then we need to go to the well house with the other losers. Call them. Now." you said in a panic. You hoped and prayed to whatever god you could, that he was okay.

You went to your room and threw on your clothes, not caring how you looked. You only cared if he was okay. 

You raced back down the stairs and Bill looked at you. "I-Ive called t-them. . ." he said. 

"Come on then" you said, grabbing his hand and rushing out of the house. You both climbed on your bikes and headed for the well house.

Once you were there, you were met with the other losers. 

"What happened?" Beverly asked, going up to Bill with tears in her eyes.

"W-we found his k-kitchen c-c-cmpletely trashed. . . there w-wuh-was blood on the cabinet. . and there w-was also a note w-written out in b-buh-blood. . . it s-said, 'He Will Remain Silent" Bill informed us

"What does that mean?" you asked. 

Bill looked at you. "I d-dont know. . ." he said. 

"Lets fucking go! He could be dead by now, come on!" Richie said, running into the house. You followed after him and raced up the stairs. 

You kept calling out his name but there was no answer. You wiped into a room, and there it was. . .

The well.

You looked around for something to lower yourself down when you spot a rope. Richie grabbed it as the rest of the losers came up. 

"Y/n. . . you seriously cant expect us to use that rope. . . it will never hold up. . ." Stan said. 

You looked at him dead in his eyes. "Im willing to risk my life to save Mike. And if no one else will help me, ill go by myself. Just know if I do, you risk losing two friends today." you said gritting your teeth. 

"Im helping. . ." Beverly walked by you, Ben following her, showing they were on your side. 

"Anyone else?" you said looking at who was left.

Richie smiled. "Fuck it. Lets go." you smiled softly as Richie dragged Eddie with him. Bill and Stan finally came along as well. 

"One at a time on the rope. Im going first." you said as Ben tied a very strong knot into the rope. You lowered yourself onto the rope. You climbed down, using your feet to climb the wall. Soon you found a hole in the well, leading to the sewers. You swung yourself in and let go of the rope. 

Soon everyone was in and you set off to find Mike. You decided to stay together because each of you knew you were stronger together. You came to a big opening, and thats when you saw him. . .

He was floating.

You ran to his floating body and everyone else followed you. "Eddie come here!" you yelled. Eddie came to you and you picked him up so he could grab Mikes foot and up him back down. 

Once he was down on the ground you looked into his eyes. You knew he wasnt dead, you could feel it. Somehow Pennywise didnt kill him. . .

You shook his body, doing anything you could to try and wake him. But no luck. 

Ben looked at you. "Kiss him." 

"What?!" you said. 

"Its worth a shot, right?" he said looking at you, begging you to try. 

You took a deep breath, closing your eyes before cupping his face and kissing him softly. You pulled away after a few seconds. 

And a few seconds later he gassed for air as he looked at you. 

"Y/n. . ." he said breathing heavily. You hugged him tightly, the others joining you two. He looked you in your eyes and smiled, finally pressing a kiss into your lips. You kissed back, melting as your lips felt right together. 

"Now. . . lets kill this fucking clown!" Richie yelled. 

"HELL YEA!" mike yelled causing everyone to forget the situation they were in and laugh about how loud he was being. 

"Lets do this. . . together. . ." you said taking Mikes, and Eddies hand. You everyone grabbed each others hands and smiled. 

"Together. . ." everyone said in sync.

"Forever. . ." Mike whispered in your ear.

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