The male turns around and you can see his back and broad shoulders, you knew it was because of how many children he carries every day. You were sure that he could probably haul you over his shoulder without effort.

"The usual," Ray says, sitting down on his leather chair. “What happened today?”

Your eyes glanced around the room in thought, trying your nest to remember the events that you saw. There was a bit of a pause before you looked back at Ray, he was staring down at the paperwork on his desk, writing diligently.

"The kids were telling each other scary stories," You stated. "I believe that they found the book in the back of the library."

"I see," He nods curtly, clicking his pen and putting the documents away only to take out another file.

"Also,” You snickered a little. “One kid snuck leftover snacks into the dormitories."

"I'll let it slide," Ray mutters.

You can say that you are Papa's lookout, being called a spy is like you are doing something mischievous. You remembered why Ray asked you to watch over the children without them noticing, you also thought it wasn't exactly the right thing to do but you couldn't say anything that would change his mind.

It was your little secret, after Ray told the rest of the kids that you ran away, they grew skeptical. Of course, he had no proof of you running away but he didn’t have the heart to tell the children that you attempted to kill yourself. As of now, you no longer exist in Gracefield.

"By the way, make sure you're more careful when you're walking," He scolds. "I can still hear your footsteps."

Your face flushes as you looked away shamefully, "I'm sorry, Ray." It felt foreign to address the man by his name, you couldn't seem to get used to it.

You didn’t know how to be invisible, you don’t know what it’s like to not exist. It wasn’t your fault that the attic’s floorboards creaked after every step you took, it’s not your fault for wanting to go to the bathroom while there are children roaming the halls.

“It’s alright, [Y/N],” He reassures you, still playing the Papa role. “Afterall, I tell the children it’s just little fairies dancing in the attic.”

“Okay…” You replied because you know he wouldn’t stop until you feel better.

"Anyway, I received the news that a younger sibling of mine is training to become a Papa like me..." Ray runs his fingers over the mahogany desk. "I’m not sure if you remember him, he's a little older than you. His name is Phil."

There was a bitter smile on your face, "Perhaps he'll be better than you..."

"He just might," Ray begins to trail off.

Phil won’t break the rules as you did, Papa.

The black-haired man reaches into his pocket, “I got this for you.”

Your eyes land on the wrapped rectangle in his hand, your lips parted in curiosity as he unravels it to show you. Ray hands you leftover dessert, a chocolate brownie.

Cupping your hands, you held the cake gently as if you were going to break it. It’s been a while since you had Ray’s baking. You take small bites, savouring the taste because you know you would not have the same chance again.

The man lowers his gaze as he tapped his pen on the desk, amber lights reflected off his pale face. You watched him let out a sigh, his black hair was almost covering his eyes. He was stressed, frustrated, you’ve seen this expression more often than your siblings.

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