When Shadows Fall

Start from the beginning

"You really are a slowpoke, you know that Princess?"- He says.

"Yeah I know. But, I have more stuff than you do, so I will take as much time as I want!"- I reply.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever."- Elliot mumbled.

I walked downstairs with my rolling suitcase. Elliot follows me as I walked downstairs, his suitcase trailing behind him. I smiled as we walk back into the room, holding the handle of my rolling suitcase. Chief smiled at us. Then she walked out of the room. We're heading to the plane. We walk upstairs and everyone else follows Chief Ripley. Once we get to the plane, me and Elliot head to the back. Elliot sat down at the window. He puts his earbuds in and starts listening to whatever he listens to. I yawn and rest my head on his shoulder. He glanced over at me, and turned back to the window. I could hear some of the music he's listening to. Lone Roses.

I gently grab his earbud and take it out. I smile up at him as he glared at me. "Um Elliot... I'm sorry to bother you, but is it okay if I do this? I want to make sure it's okay before I go to sleep. I'm really sorry but-"- I start but he put his finger on my mouth to silence me.

"It's fine love. You've done this about four times and I've let you. It's alright to just sleep on me. I could care less..."- Elliot replies, taking the earbud from my hand and putting it back in his ear.

"Oh... alright."- I reply, closing my eyes.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I started to think about what he would think about if I told him that I like him. That I've fallen for him. How would he react? Well, I'm sure he'd either reject me or agree with me.

Elliot's POV

"Oh... Alright"- She says, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

She looks so at peace while she's sleeping. So pretty... beautiful even. I turned to look at her. I smirked and mess with her hair. I've got to tell her how I feel, but how? I mean, I only have a few days before I lose my dignity and my wardrobe. It makes me want to puke at the thought of wearing pink or any other colour. Ew. Jack can go flaunt himself all he wants, but I mean he'll be single forever. No doubt.

Jack's stupid deal... I really would enjoy strangling him. While we're in Italy we totally have to have a pizza. Or spaghetti. I mean, we're in Italy. I can't wait to tell her and just shove it in his face! I slip my other earbud back in. Madi really had the nerve to take it out. I just roll my eyes and gaze out of the window. I quietly hummed along with my music. After the song was over I caught myself humming the song from earlier. That dumb song from the dumb band she listens to. It's alternative. Who would want to clash Pop, Rock, and Metal together? Ew. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and I flinched. I turned my gaze away from the window to her. She's wrapped her arms around my waist in a tight hug. Jeez. Now I can't even move. I sighed and turned up my music, looking at her. God I love her... I think.

Madi's POV

Hours later we arrived at Italy. Hmm. Are we here? My eyes slowly fluttered opened. I blinked a few times and am met with Elliot. He was looking at me and blushed, quickly looking away. I smiled at him. Elliot pauses his music and he carefully rolled up his earbuds. He then stuffed them and his phone into his jacket pocket. I stood up and grabbed my suitcase from the overhead compartments. I walked away a few steps ahead. He stands up, flustered, and grabs his suitcase. I smirked at him.

"Ooh, someone's blushing!"- I whisper.

"I am not! Shut up!"- Elliot whispers back.

"Well to me it looks like you are! Your cute when you're blushing though. You should do it more often. Maybe even a smile?"- I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

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