Plot (Part 1)

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The day was as dreadful as any rainy day. The streets almost flooded with rain water. Levi hated going out on a rainy day because he didn't want to get wet and get mud all over his house. Soon, he decided no not wait and just go now so he could have some in the future. Levi slipped on his black rain coat with his pair of matching black rain boots. He twisted the door knob of his front door and walked out.

When finished with all his tea shopping, he passed a darkened alley way with little to no lighting. Getting closer, he heard  a faint 'meow'. There, in a box, was just a little cat. Levi took notice of not the fur, but the eyes. This cat had amazing blue-green eyes. They could almost hypnotize you.

"What are you doing all out here alone?" Levi said as he scooped the frail cat into his arms. He searched for a collar on the cat to see if it had a name. He even looked in the box. Nothing. Levi put the cat close to his chest and almost ran home. Once there, he took off his rain boots along with his rain coat. He took another good look at the cat and said: "Boy, you're filthy... We need to get you washed up so you can live with me." Levi held the cat and waled to his bathroom; shutting  the door after he and the cat was in. Levi sat the cat down beside him and ran Luke warm bath water. Only about an inch high. The cat wondered around the bathroom before being placed in the water. Levi scrubbed the cat good. Getting most of the dirt out of his fur. Following after he was good and dry, Levi filled a bowl with water and another with tuna. He sat both of them down beside a wall. Levi stripped down to nothing but his boxers and laid in his bed and covered up with his sheets. He felt something fuzzy on his chest, but just left it because he knew what it was.

"Goodnight, brat." He said to the kitten while closing his eyes and falling asleep.

More Than a Cat (Levi x Neko! Eren)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum