Chapter Five : Perhaps This is the End

Start from the beginning

Oh no.

I saw a lake to my right as I sat at the water's edge. I had no idea where I was.

"Mom?" I whispered.

I stood and felt shaky, the lack of blood and food had me at a disadvantage because I couldn't muster my senses to find my way back.

"Oh no," I whispered.

I took a couple steps forward, stumbled then rested my weight on a near tree.

How was I going to get out of here? I had no idea where I was. I hadn't brought anything with me other than my jacket.

I tugged the material tighter around my body as I tried to come up with some idea where I was. The frosty morning air made me feel like I was in the school parking lot...wait it was school today.

I was missing school, what time was it? I looked at the sun for an indication of what time it was but quickly glanced away and tried to hide myself in the shadow of the tree. That sun was not nice when you are at your weakest.

I stuffed my hands in my pocket to see if I had anything to help my situation and found a packet of gum, an old movie ticket and my that's where that went. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and put the earpieces in and then the low battery sign flashed on the iPod; great.

Stuffing the iPod back in my pocket; I then curled up and wrapped my arms around my knees and placed my forehead against them.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do; I was stupid, really stupid to run off without food in my stomach or blood and no sense of direction.

I then heard a howl and panicked, glancing up and stumbling to my feet I prayed for dear life it was Jake's pack and not someone else. I was dead either way.

I heard a crunch and stumbled back falling down to the earth with a thud, crying out as my elbow smacked down first.

A large wolf jumped out. I whimpered before I recognized the fur. "Hey Seth," I whispered, before he pawed my angle then let out an ear piercing howl.

I covered my ears to block out the sound before he bowed his large head and nudged me to get up.

"I'm very weak, Seth."

As he tried to help me up three wolves appeared, Jacob obvious when standing at the head of the pack. As Jacob approached, Seth suddenly bowed out and backed up.

"Jake. You don't know how happy and unhappy I am right now to see you," I said as he nudged his head against my shoulder.
Two more wolves appeared out of the thick undergrowth. Geez, he had the whole pack out looking for me.

"Thank you for finding me. I didn't know how to get back," I whispered. A growl reverberated in his chest and I winced. Suddenly all wolves left as Jake must have ordered them to do so.

Jake followed after them and I tried to crawl after him, "Jake, please wait, I'm sorry." But he sprinted off until he disappeared.

I began to cry, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt abandoned. He'd just left me there to die because he was a selfish-

Broad hands grasped me under my knees and back, giving me a fright. I glanced up to see Jake, cradling me to his chest, with an unhappy expression.

"Jake," I sobbed. He was now in shorts and I realized he had left to get changed. "Jake, I-"

"Shh," he said. He began a steady pace through the forest, carrying me easily.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Jacob didn't look at me, just seemed to increase the pace in his stride.

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