alex just nodded. he felt both weird and comforted with knowing all three of them cared about him, and he lifted himself away from george and prepared to find james and will. he felt slightly saddened when george's warmth disappeared, but he knew he should make sure will knows he's alright, especially since he knew will could break himself over this situation.

"hey, james." alex said softly, spotting the male in the kitchen, pouring a glass of water.

james held a look of relief when he spotted alex and immediately ran over, disregarding the water which he had just poured and leaving it on the counter.

immediately alex was drowned in a gentle hug as james proceeded to lift him off the ground.

"i heard you had a bad day." james exclaimed, rubbing his shorter friend's shoulders. "i poured you a glass of water."

alex smiled, following james to the kitchen where he grabbed the already poured water. he handed it to alex, and helped him by tilting the glass a bit so he could drink.

once the glass was empty, alex pulled his lips off it, staring a bit at james with confusion. "i'm not a toddler! i can drink on my own!" alex teased, but he secretly enjoyed the treatment. "plus it was just an instance of people being dicks, i'm not injured!"

james just grinned, placing the empty glass into the sink and turning back around to engulf alex into another hug. "sorry, just feeling a bit clingy is all. gotta keep my little internet sensation happy!"

"excuse me?!" alex blushed a bit at the pet name, biting his lip to keep from speaking anymore nonsense that would just fuel james' speaking.

james then let out a laugh, which was probably the most angelic and adorable thing alex had ever heard, causing the smaller male to stare up at james' face as it glowed with joy. after his laughing fit, james became a bit more serious and put all his giggles aside.

"but seriously." james began, running his fingers through alex's tangled hair. "you should go see will. i've never seen him like this before, and you should let him know you're okay. george tried as best as he could to calm him but will kept shoving him away. and george is usually the best at comforting."

alex frowned at that. "well let's go see him then. tell george to come as well."

james simply nodded, rushing off to get george, who was already shoving on his shoes. it was clear george was listening the whole time; he just wanted to make sure everyone was alright.

for some reason, though, james was leading them out of their flat and towards the lift. "where are we going?" alex asked, unsure why will would've left the flat to begin with.

"will's very upset. i've never seen him so upset before. he said he just needed some air but..." james just shook his head. "he's on the roof."

alex looked a bit uneasy, gulping back his fear, but he nodded, already feeling a bit queasy from not only the lift but the heavy uncertainty in the air. he felt george's hand gently rub at his shoulder as the lift came to a stop.

"he'll be okay." george promised. "will is a lot stronger than you may think."

alex simply nodded, but didn't make eye contact with george. he took a heavy breath and immediately sprinted out into the cold evening air as soon as the metal doors opened.

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