10. Reoccurring Events

Start from the beginning

{Next Morning}

Momo and I were sitting at the table, eating the omelettes I had made for breakfast. "I'm not going to school," I said and Momo's eyes widened then went back to normal as she realized why. "Are you gonna be okay alone?" Momo asked and I nodded. "I might head to the studio and talk to the manager about releasing some of my music," I said and she nodded. "Good luck with that. Alright, I gotta get going now if I wanna be there on time," Momo said and I chuckled. "You mean getting there early," I said and she stuck her tongue out at me.
I was at the studio and went to my studio room my father bought for me and I found one of the many burn phones I bought. I called Touya. "Hello?" He answered the phone. "Niisan, listen. Can you come over to the studio Enji bought for me?" I asked. "Huh? Yeah," Touya said and I smiled. "Okay, I'll be waiting. See ya later!" I said and hung up. After about maybe 45 minutes Touya had shown up. "Finally," I said, giving him grief about taking so long. He chuckled and shook his head. "Can you help me with recording?" I asked and he nodded. I walked into the studio and set up the microphone. I gave him a thumbs up and saw the red light start flashing, signaling that I was recording. The song I had recorded before Touya got here played from the speakers.

Life is degrading
In silence they're making me
Spun out inside my own head
Spewing and craving
This darkness is baiting me
Down the road to my own death

I can't take this
I might break it
Watch it all fall down

So come give me
The truth you hide
Feed the pain

As I waited to sing the next part I played the air drums.

I fall to its craving
It feeds on the doubt in my heart
Sinking and fading
Our feelings I'm saving
To fix what I tore all apart

I can't take this
I might break it
Watch it all fall down

So come give me
The truth you hide
Feed the pain

I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me
I'm lost

I had the mic in my hand and I cupped it so I could scream some of the lyrics.

So come give me
The truth you hide
Feed the pain

I'm lost (ah)
You'll never find me
I'm lost
You'll never find me (ahhh)
I'm lost
You'll never find me (ahhh)
I'm lost

Come for me

I'm not doing fine [repeat]
(Fuck, ahh, dammit, fuck, dammit, damn)

I had finished the song and Touya stopped the recording. I walked out of the recording room and Touya handed me some headphones. I put them on and he pressed play. I nodded and smiled, pausing the song. "It's done!" I said with a smile. I then uploaded it online.

Momo's POV
"No way, Cursed Leviathan released a new song today!" Some kids could be heard talking about a musician. "No way really?!" Another kid said. Cursed Leviathan? Could it be Y/N? I grabbed my phone and earbuds, plugging them into my phone. I looked up Cursed Leviathan on YouTube and listened to the song. It's Y/N's voice alright. The song was amazing! I'll have to tell her I listened to it later! I put my phone away and finished eating. I went back to class after the bell rang. "Does anyone know where Y/N is?" Aizawa asked the class abruptly. "No, why?" Denki questioned. "She's wanted by the police, they want to question her about an alleged fight between her and Endeavor," Aizawa said. "What?" Everyone murmured. "The police managed to get a small blood trail from her, going past Kyoka's house but it went cold," Aizawa said and I nodded, pretending to act shocked. "Wait, how and why was it near Jirou's house?" Tsuyu asked. Aizawa sighed and looked at Todoroki for permission which he answered with a nod. "Listen, this doesn't leave this classroom and if it gets out to the media I will have you expelled. Y/N has been abused since she was 5, her father abused her thinking it would make her stronger and grow a resistance to pain. He was wrong, you saw the mess Y/N was the first day here. She's been staying at Kyoka's house to recover and calm down, if she were to go back to her house...who knows what she would go through," Aizawa said and the class went silent. "Todoroki-san, were you...?" Izuku asked and he nodded silently. "Neechan got the worst of it. She always made a scene so I wouldn't be abused as harshly. Whatever she did to my father, he deserved it the moment he started hurting my mother, and he deserved it with a hell of a lot more pain too," Shōto said, now becoming angry, which was shocking to all of us.

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