Anakin told us we had a plan to get pass the scanners, but Carbon Freezing was something I hated. I not only hated it when temperatures were below freezing, but It also meant I couldn't do anything to resist it this time. "I've never been carbon frozen before Generals." Rex said to us. "It's the first time for us too." Anakin replied. "I just can't believe we're doing this." I said as we got close to the machine. "This is your idea, Carbon freezing?" Obi Wan asked as he got into position. "Hey, you wanted to shield us from the life form scanners." Anakin replied with a smirk as he did the same. "Just wished you would think differently sometimes." I added as Anakin rolled his eyes at me. "Are we sure this thing is safe? I don't want to end up a wall decoration." Fives asked as he stood in position. "Try to relax, we'll be unfrozen as soon as we arrive." Obi Wan replied before we started to hear the sirens go off. The pillars underneath us then lowered us into the cell, unleashing a freezing cold feeling before I lost my consciousness.


The second I was unfrozen, I immediately walked out. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, but I still didn't like it. I rolled my shoulders as I heard a familiar voice, and looked to my left to see Ahsoka. "Hey Master." She said as Anakin, Obi Wan and I looked at each other in surprise before looking back at her. She wasn't supposed to be here, yet here she was. "I must have carbon sickness because I could swear thats Ahsoka." Obi Wan said. "Your eyes are fine Obi Wan, it's Ahsoka's hearing that needs help." Anakin replied as he looked at Ahsoka in a annoyed expression. "I received orders to join the team, I thought you knew." She responded. "Orders? From who?" Anakin asked. "I discussed it with Master Plo." She replied. "He didn't tell me." He said. "You were already in carbonite." She replied as she pointed to the things that took us here. "Well I gave you a specific order not to come." He retorted. "If there's one thing I've learned from you Master, it's that following direct orders isn't always the best way to solve a problem." She stated as Obi Wan and I came to her side. "I see Anakin's new teaching method is to do as I say, not as I do." Obi Wan said. "Welcome aboard." I agreed as I knew there was no going back now.

I then walked away from the three, and made a head count of my men. They were alright now, just dazed a bit. I had to make sure that most of us would be able to get off this rock, if we even lost a single man including the others, our mission could fall apart. I overheard Anakin instructing R2 and R1 to watch the shuttle until we needed it as our escape, and walked over on the path that I assumed would lead us to find Master Piell. I then motioned for Miles and the rest of the men to follow me, not knowing what was waiting for us.

We had continued on the path to look for a way in, only to stop to see an entrance of the prison. While Anakin looked at the scopes for a way to get us in, I could only see the cliff side as an option, yet something was on it. "I see the entry point." Anakin stated as he looked through his scopes. "You were right, the wind conditions are too strong for jetpacks." Cody said as Miles nodded in agreement. "Yes. We'll have to do it the old fashioned way, with ascension cables and a steel grip." Obi Wan assumed as I looked through my scopes only to disagree with him. "I don't think so." I replied. "What do you mean?" Obi Wan asked. I then focused and zoomed in my scopes to see why we were unable to do so. "Electro mines." I replied. "There's no where to put a grappling hook at that height. And if we hit one of those, the missions over. They'll know we're here." Anakin continued as he and I looked at Obi Wan. "I suppose that means we free climb it." Rex suggested. "Appears we have no other option." Miles agreed as we all then started to walk to the end of the wall to start climbing.

We were now closing in on the mines, and I was making sure nothing would hit them otherwise this mission wasn't just over, but one of us could end up fried. "You hanging in there Snips?" Anakin asks as he looks at her from below him. "Couldn't be better." She replied before I heard her mutter "I could do it without the wind though." I then saw Obi Wan looked below us, and that we were getting close to the entry point."The entry point is only a few more meters!" He said over the wind and then quickly climbed to the platform as I saw him peeking over. But he then immediately pushed himself back down and signaled us to be quiet and to stay low. We did so and leaned against the cliff as he then peeked over the platform and then back to us. "They locked the door, it's ray-shielded!" He said to us. "Wait what?" I asked over the increasingly strong wind. "Ray-shielded? That wasn't the plan!" Anakin asked. "Well it's in the plan now!" Obi Wan replied as I saw Ahsoka climb high to see something. "There's an opening up there!" She reported. "We know, the ventilation ducts. But they're far too small for us to gain access!" Anakin replied. "Too small for you maybe, but I think I can squeeze through." She stated. "Well, we hadn't planned on Ahsoka being here." Obi Wan pointed out. "Perhaps she's right." I continued as I saw her enter the vents and making it on the other side, deactivating the shields.

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