How They Found You (2)

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||•Carol Danvers•||

Carol was staying with Maria and Monica on Earth for the time being.

Monica and Carol were sitting on the stairs coloring in a coloring book.


"Carol! Monica! Get down here now!"

Carol and Monica got off of the stairs and to the back porch.

"What the hell is that?" Maria was standing on the back porch keeping a distance from whatever just crashed into the backyard.

"I'll go check."

"Me too!".  Monica starting walking with Carol out into the yard before Maria stopped her.

There was a hole in the ground with some space capsule inside.

There was a window on the outside of the capsule and inside there was a baby girl.

Carol blasted the side of the capsule without harming the baby.

She picked up the small child that was thankfully unharmed.

The girl was wearing a small red dress.

The girl was wearing a small red dress

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"Is that a baby?"

All three of them looked down at the capsule to see if there was any context.

On the inside it said.

Dear anonymous,

Please take care of my baby (Y/N) I am unable to myself.   She is 5 months old. Whoever this may go to please protect her and keep her safe. Thank you.

Carol looked down at the sleeping baby.

"Well. I guess your mine now squirt! Let's go get you some food."

Carol, Monica, and Maria then drove to the store to get supplies for (Y/N)

||•Natasha Romanoff•||

Natasha was on a mission in an abandoned science lab.

They were on a mission to find the test subjects and release them.

Almost everyone was out except one.

It was Natasha's job to find the last test subject.

She was checking the 4th floor. The last floor.

She crept around the corner into an isolated room away from everything else.

On the door and walls, it said




She walked into the room and there was a 2 y/o girl in a tube filled with a clear liquid.

At the bottom of the tube, it said.

Press button during an emergency!

Natasha pushed the button the liquid immediately began to drain from the bottom until it was empty.

The glass in front began to open and smoke came from the bottom of the tube.

Natasha picked up the girl from the tube and laid her on her lap.

She was breathing.

On her white hospital dress, it said information about the child.

Subject 23

Original Name: (Y/N)
Age: 2 y/o
Known Ability: Unknown

Failure: ⭕

Natasha picked up the girl and held her on her waist.

"C' mon let's get you out of here".

She hooked her grappling hook onto the roof and jumped from the 4th floor the 1st with you still on her hip.

She walked outside to the helicopter.

"Ma'am we're going to need all test subjects".

"I'm afraid not, sir. She is in my custody now, " She looked over at Tony who was on the helicopter.


"Very well ma'am, but later we're going to need to test on he-".

Tony then came up from behind and said: "You won't need to do that either, sir, that's what Bruce and I will do".

Before the man could say anything else, Natasha got into the helicopter with Tony and flew away.

"Why do you like the kid so much, Nat?"

"When I first saw her I felt a strong connection to her, and I haven't felt that in a long time, Tony".

Then you let out an adorable sneeze.

"I can see why.  Bruce and I will do some experiments on her and see if anything is wrong".

"Thanks, Tony.  For now, I'll protect her".

||•Stephen Strange•||

It was raining outside while Dr. Strange was in the library with Wong.

Strange was beginning to fall asleep considering it was already nighttime.

Then there was a knock.

Strange hit his head on the desk.

"Argh, I'll get it".

Strange got up from his seat and went to answer the door.

When he got there no one was there except a small box and a note.

The note said;

Please take care of her, Hydra wants her. Don't let them take her.

He looked down into the box and there was a sleeping baby girl.

He bent down and picked the sleeping child up.

"Well, kid, you're my problem now. Do you have a name...? Wait I'm talking to a baby.  I'll name you (Y/N)".

||•Bucky Barnes•||

He was taking a walk with Steve around New York.

Just as they were passing by an apartment complex there were blood-curdling screams.

Both Steve and Bucky looked at the top of the building to see that it was on fire.

"Steve, you get the people on the bottom out and I'll get the top floor".

They both nodded and ran into the apartment with jackets over there head.

Steve got everyone out of the building meanwhile Bucky was still trying to get a woman and her baby out.

Bucky broke the door down and searched the room.

He walked into the restroom to see a woman underneath a slab of wood with a baby in the bathtub.

She grabbed him by his collar and said; "Please take my baby. She deserves a better life than the one I'll give her".

After that, she took her final breath and collapsed under the sink.

Bucky picked up the baby girl and put her under his jacket.

Once Bucky got out of the building it suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Bucky took her out from his jacket to see she had no injuries except a couple of scratches here and there.

"H-Hey there, kiddo. I'm your new dad I guess".

He held you close to his chest and went to make sure everyone else was okay.

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