Ch.6 The Malfoy Ball

Start from the beginning

Yn:(whispers to her back)You have no idea I so many plans I have all Christmas break

Merula:We have all Christmas break I want in on this

Nymphadora:(whispers to them)I want in on this as well I'm not missing out on this

Soon enough we were escorted inside the manor and then to our rooms Draco was staying alone  in his private room while me, Merula, and Tonks stayed in one room to keep us out of trouble according to Lucius words we were left alone with no supervision we waited a while until boredom hit again this time we had books to fill that boredom but that wasn't something I would do I tried to open the door but it was locked so I doubt using Alohomora would work since they wouldn't want us snooping so I pick up a book and read soon an elf came to get us and took us the dinner with the family even if some were disowned they were still related by blood even if Tonks was a half-blood she was still related to us by blood but it would make sense on why she would avoid Draco even if they were cousins we take our seats with only one being empty which would be for my brother but he's been gone for years so it doesn't matter

Yn:Well this won't be a weird and annoying evening


They bring out food and we started eating no talk was made until I broke word first sadly

Yn:*God help me*So Bella how did you get out of Azkaban I don't think you can bribe a dementor

Bella:That's for me to know and for you to find out

Yn:That is a good point I guess(looks around)Malfoy wipe your face is as sloppy as your grades

Lucius:I beg your pardon care to explain to this Draco

Draco:He lies Father my grades are excellent

Yn:Maybe I am maybe I'm not oh well 

Merula:This will be an interesting break so Mr.Malfoy why have we been invited to this Ball of yours

Lucius:Family matter to unite once more before another war begins

Merula:Right the rising of Voldemort though I doubt it like the prophecy it's just a myth what dead stay's dead

Bella:That may be so child but some myths tend to come true it is just a way of making sense in a senseless world.

Andro:Rigth I have forgotten that you are a Death Eater one of He who shall not be named most loyal

Bella:Yes, there is still a place for you

Andro:I'd rather pass I will live free and out of trouble dear sister

Bella:Very well and what about you brother/sister any thought of following your Jacobs footsteps

Yn:I'd pass as well nothing will convince me to join Tom little group scout now I suggest we drop this topic well we are all still in a good mood

Lucius:With that being said new clothing will be given you are to were them for tomorrows ball you are excused

I take my chances and leave going back to the room I was assigned to Merula and Tonks appeared soon after we make conversation and fall asleep

3rd pov

It was morning again the Malfoy's started to prepare for the ball that would soon take place in the afternoon which will be followed in the evening soon enough the house elves came and left the outfit that they would wear for that event the gang were dragged out of bed for breakfast Merula and Nymph stayed up but Yn was coming in and out of sleep fight the urge to fall back into dream land but it was no use for gentle snores were heard coming from Yn for he/she was no early bird but their dream were cut short when Bellatrix woke him/her up with a bucket of ice and water again cutting breakfast short for they were now directed to the nearest shower after their hygiene was done they all got dressed in separate rooms Merula dress was simple but elegant while Tonks had a more presten look as for Yn his/her tux/gown was elegant each had the Malfoy sigil on it Lucius dragged them to the room were the ball would be held  soon guest arrived and music began to play conversation were around with other people from high society but Yn didn't care for it he/she keep his/her distance from people soon enough the music stopped and Lucius made an announcement

Lucius:Dear guest we thank you for joining us but now I must invite every member of the family to the dance floor with their partner

Yn:He's trying to make a fool out us

Merula:We have to go anyways just follow my lead

The two pair walked to the floor were everyone else was Yn didn't know how to dance especially this type unlike Merula her parents actually thought her how since they were invited to these events so she took the lead

Merula:Put your hand here and here don't look at my feet and try not to step on my toes

Yn:Okay got it just follow your lead

Yn was new to this and Merula did not care for helping him/her but she'd rather not make a fool of herself with them she had to admit though they weren't so bad at it

Merula:Not bad now grab my hand

The form was different but the experience was the same soon the violas and harps came to a stop and so did the opera make the dance come to an end Yn and Merula quickly separated bowed to one another and went their separate ways Yn saw Tonks with someone but paid no mind to it as they headed to the balcony once they reached their destination Yn looked up at the star sky as the moon shone bright like no other Andromeda came to accompany the boy for she knew this was all new to him

Andromeda:The moon shines bright today

Yn:Its a full moon

Andromeda:Of course it is...If you wish to leave we can go in the morning

Yn:No its fine just wondering what to do now like always

Andromeda:Oh Yn you don't always have to be one step ahead I know this not your ideal type of fun but try to enjoy it please

Yn:I'll try Andromeda I'll try

She left Yn alone as he/she looked up and stared at the full moon once more before going inside and try to enjoy the party for today wasn't so bad as he/she expected it to be now she/he just had to wait for break to be over

She left Yn alone as he/she looked up and stared at the full moon once more before going inside and try to enjoy the party for today wasn't so bad as he/she expected it to be now she/he just had to wait for break to be over

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Merula and Tonks

Yn:Its genderless

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Yn:Its genderless

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