¡♤.Please Don't Bite.♤¡ |G0Z x reader|

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Shittles, I dunno, I just found 'sh' as a draft. This is kinda fluffy so ye. Sooooo let's get right into the newwws!

"Hello?" I said whilst walking around. The sky was dark, which didn't help me. I could tell it was about to rain a lot. I'm lost right now, in the middle of the woods. I was camping with my friends, when a murderer had killed them all. I luckily escaped though. (I started making this before camping 2)
I looked around, calling for help. About 12 minutes have passed, nothing. It was sprinkling, I could smell the scent of rain. "Okay, I'm only going to call for help three more times." I thought aloud. "Please, anyone there?" I heard rustling leaves behind me. "Do you need help?." Said a nasily male voice.
"Who are you?" I questioned without thinking. "I'm G0Z the clown!" I turned to look at where the voice was coming from, and surely enough, he was dressed as a clown. I closely examined him, red hair, green eyes, white shirt, gloves, doctor's reflector, red pants, slippers, white painted face, blue collar, and a worried but warm smile. "I'm Y/N." G0Z's smile grew completely warm "Nice to meet you!" G0Z looked at me. "You must be cold," he spoke. "Let's go to the circus!" "Circus?! -_-" I muttered. G0Z didn't notice, and continued dragging me somewhere. I suddenly realized that I was surrounded by colorful lights, and two new clowns. "G0Z, who is this?" The tall clown asked in a raspy voice. "This is Y/N!" G0Z changed facial expressions quite often, though it was clear he was always happy on the inside.
"Hi, I'm Z00ZY!" The shortest clown uttered cheerfully.

"I'm YUKC0." The other said in an aggravated tone.
"I'm going to go take our guest on a tour, since she may be staying for a while!" "Uhg." YUKC0 muttered to himself, seemingly disgusted. "I looked over at G0Z shyly and followed him around the circus. I started getting more cold. G0Z looked over and noticed me shivering. "Oh, you must be terribly cold!" He rushed me to a place that's walls were green and grabbed a jacket from somewhere. G0Z gently placed his Y/F/C (Your favorite color) jacket on me. "Are you okay?" G0Z asked worried. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. God, he's kinda cute. Wait, NO, YOU JUST MET HIM. Get a hold of yourself Y/N! "Y-yeah.." I stammered, looking at his beautiful, bright green eyes. He held out his hand. I looked at him nervously. "It's okay if you don't want to hold my hand. But I don't bite! :o)" I took his hand and continued to walk around with him. "Well, I guess that concludes the tour! Now," G0Z said, putting a finger to his chin. G0Z continued "Where will you stay?" He uttered to himself. "I guess, you could stay with me. Unless, of course, you don't want too!" G0Z noticeably blushed a bit. "I-i'll stay with you!" I replied smiling.
Time skip brought to you by chill flamingo
"Here's my room, it's not the best, but... ya' know."G0Z commented behind me. "It's perfectly fine! You don't have to be fancy n' stuff." I replied. G0Z smiled and lended me some clothes to use and left the room. I finished putting on his clothes he lent me and opened the door.
I suddenly noticed G0Z wasn't wearing a shirt. He looked at me and blushed. "A-are you uncomfortable with me being shirtless?" "No, no not at all!" G0Z is so fuckin cute. G0Z shyly held one arm with the other. "So, do you want to s-sleep with me or-" G0Z realized what he had just said. "I-I'm sorry, that came out wrong... I..." G0Z it's fine. I dragged him into bed and hugged him. G0Z put his hands on my head. And we cuddled for the whole night.


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