Chapter One: El's First Summer

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Meanwhile over in Hawkins, Indiana at the Wheeler household, Mike Wheeler along with his three friends; Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers and Dustin Henderson are playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) in the basement. The miscellaneous household lights and lamps around the room create an aureate glow, illuminating off the walls. Mike's old toy dinosaur 'Rory' is displayed on a small dusty shelf and the pillow fort is decorated with different designs in blue, purple, yellow and orange fabric. While they are sitting at a small black squared table, Dustin and Lucas start to list the type of monsters that could be the enemy in their campaign.

[🎶"It's the Slime King I just know it." Dustin said. Lucas disagrees and instead states, "It's not the Slime King. It's likely the Rat King or the Aboleth."

Will frightened by the sound of that last option, stutters and repeats looking at the others worried, "The Abol—Abole-Aboleth!.."

Mike shakes his head confirming a 'no', "You are both wrong!... As Sir Lucas leads the group through the Dark 'Ruins', they look up to see a crumbling tower made of stone...passing through the road, they soon disappear into deep fog and realise their Ranger has taken a wrong turn as the group find themselves now in a maze... they soon hear the sound of footsteps creeping up behind them...."

Dustin groans, "Oh my god Mike, just get to it already, who is the foe?!"

Mike rolls his eyes at Dustin's impatience before continuing, "Ok fine, jeez! It is none other than........ the Mind Flayer!" bellows Mike, before placing down the monster's humanoid squid-like figurine on the board game.

"Oh, Shit. " Dustin exclaims.

The Mind Flayer had been made the perfect decision, in order to celebrate their defeat with the real monster in the previous year. Even though the dreaded name still sends shivers up his spine whenever he hears it 'The Mind Flayer', Will tries to hide his fear the best he can by continuing to be his usual cute, timid self-playing along so he doesn't ruin his friends game. "The Mind Flayer is heading towards the group.." Mike continues and then crosses his arms looking directly across the table at 'someone', "So, what's your action?..."

The someone was none other than Max Mayfield, the only girl there playing D&D. The redhead jokes, "Uh, complain about how stupid he is, like this game." Lucas and Dustin laugh, but Mike is not impressed.

"That's not how it works!"

"Fine, I guess I'll do a backstab attack!"

"That's not even a real thing."

Lucas speaks up confirming that Max must have meant a 'sneak attack' and Max agrees with him quickly, "Yeah, sure, whatever." Mike then tells her she needs to choose a weapon for the fight, Max ends up choosing both a dagger and a sword, which frustrates their Paladin since she is only supposed to pick one weapon as the rules firmly state in 'The Rule Book!' "That's totally against the rules!" However, she sticks by her two weapons ignoring Mike. He rolls his eyes and warns her, she has to roll a 6 or higher to do the following attack. Everyone is eager to see what number the polyhedral dice lands on, it is none other than a 6, Max is victorious! After stabbing the Mind Flayer, Lucas then tries to cut off one of the creature's tentacles with an axe but fails.

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