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I remember

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I remember...

I remember the day I met my best friend.

I remember the day that I started to sing.

I remember the first piano performance I had.

I remember the pink guitar that was gifted to me on Christmas Day when I was 7.

I remember the first time I wrote a song.

I remember my first time singing in front of people when I was 14.

I remember when the guy I liked asked me out.

I remember when my senior year seemed like it was going to great.

The word "seemed" should stick out because it wasn't.

I remember the times when I was stabbed in the back.

I remember the times that I would get hate because my music "sucked".

And lastly I remember the time that I got a chance to share my music with the world.

All of the memories got me to where I am now.

A singer who rocks the world.

A singer who writes from her heart.

A singer who doesn't care what others think.

A girl who is just trying to make it in this big world.

My name is Y/N L/N and this is my music journey.

Coming soon...

Status: Some chapters have been written (2-21-20)

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