Time skip

"Let's sit here we need to talk!" "Eh? About what dipshit?!" "Us" "pft" "look we have a family seven kids and we can't just hate each other infront of them-" "because u don't let me do what I want!" "Look here's the reason first we go to work then come back taking care of the kids and lots of things to do and I want to spend time with u but I don't have time- let's go to that little room change" we went in their "i dont have time to spend with u except the nights u only want to go to your studio and I want to stay with" "jin i.." before he can say anything I kissed him

Yoongi pov
Jin was kissing me this is what I wanted but I acted like i lost my feelings to him when i did not I kissed back not until jin fainted "jin?! Jinnie are u okay u have a high fever" i put him on my back and took him to and put him on the bed i put a cold clothes on his forehead I went to take soobin who was crying and give him milk and rock him till he sleeps i put him back then go out to the other kids "were is daddy?" "He's in the room but he's sick" they just went to him "appa daddy Is awake" "he is?" She nodded I went in the room i saw him holding my pillow and crying "jinnie?" I close the door "im sorry im so so so sorry im the one wrong ik u lost feelings towards me ik it just im sorry" i sat next to him "I didn't lose my feelings how cani lose a big feelings after ten years?" He looked at me and hugged me I hugged back I started to feel my tears on my cheek "don't cry" I heard him sob "no it's also my fault for not giving u time I promise I'll give u much more time" he looked at me then kissed me slowly I kissed back smiling

Every kiss feels like it's the first

I looked him "i love u" "i love you too my baby" "why were u hugging my pillow?" "Oh because it has your sent so if I can't hug u i can hug your pilliow plus it broke me when u were with that jennie" "oh don't worry I hired her for that thing nothing between us"I layed my head on his shoulder he pulled me to his lap "you're so tiny" i hit his arm "oooof my brother can make u blush" i look at our brothers "thank u for helping" said jin he tried to get up from the bed but i just cuddled him he carried he "ahhh let me down" he threw me on the bed and tickled me my brother and his joined i laughted and started crying from tickling then the kids came "what's happeningbaby " "appa u made up?" "Please don't fight anymore" i took eunwoo " we won't" "now kith!!!" Said yoonha and yoonah i was about to say something but jin kissed me I kissed back "awww" "how's your headache?" "It's Okay" "appa apppa ap appa yoon" we heard yoonjin "he's saying my name!!!!" I pick him up "yoon" "yes?" "Yoon yoonji yoongo" I laughed and hugged him "yoongo that's my name" "can i hold him?" Asked Jin's brother I nodded I hugged jin "aii stop being cheesy" I giggled "how's your headache?" "It's Okay-" "appa!! Yoonha keeps pooping!!" Said eunwoo carrying her "again?" "Are u okay?" "My stomach paining" jin grabbed her and pushed her stomach a bit then sat her on the bed "what are u doing?" I Asked "I'll lay her down so that her stomach won't hurt much" he layed her then drew with his finger patterns. "There u feeling better" she nodded "yoongi change her" "ugh okay" I quickly changed her "jin the diaper's for the two are finished" I Said bringing her back to him "can u buy some" I nodded as i got up. I went to the pharmacy I bought 5 for the young ones and 5 for the older and some cream for them and bought biscuits for ages 1-2 I thought yoonjin would like it "wow big family hu?" Said the man "yup 7 babies" "seven?!" "Two twins boy and girl two months one is a year old two are twins girls they are 2 and wonwoo is 6 and eunwoo is six too" "wow nice have a good day" "u too" I walked out. I reached home i gave jin the diaper's and went to get yoonjin "hey come I want u to try this" I gave his the biscuits "i want" Said yoonha "here" "hyung can I have?" "No it's only for ages 1-2" "do u like it?" "Yesh" "yoonjin you like it?" "Yoongi don't be stupid he can't talk just pull it out of his hands if he wants it he likes it" i took it "AHHH" I gave it back to him "gosh my ears" "appa eunwoo likes a girl" "you come here" i saw eunwoo trying to chatch him "which girl ooooo" i said "ahhh stop" I laughed i felt someone hugging me from behind and kissing my neck that tickled "jin ahaha stop" suddenly i heard a doorbell i opened the door "mom? Auntie? Dad? Uncle?" "Hi yoongi" i let them come in "can we go to your room we need to talk about something serious?" "Sure I closed the door jin was holding the twins "oh hi" they sat on the sofa and my parents on the bed "Okay Guys answer every question honestly" I nodded "are u guys happy together?" "Yes we are" "im very happy" "do u have arguments or fights lately?" "Yes.....some" answered jin (yoongi's parents are the on asking) "do u have time for each other?" "To Be honest we don't..." Jin's parents took the twins "jin we don't think you're enough for each other" Said yoongi's mom i was shocked "mom it's not like that-" "yoongi we understand just let me finish and u have a big family I don't think you will be able to take care of them" "auntie i can they do listen to us" the door open we saw eunwoo and wonwoo "appa? Daddy?" "U won't be together anymore?" I leaned over to them "maybe....." "but why" "It's not up to us it's up to our parents" "kids out please" Said my mom "grandma love is love u can't just break it it's not your choice if u break appa he will be sad forever and u don't want that don't u?" Said eunwoo while holding wonwoo "appa and daddy saved us" "they helped us" "they took care of us" my tears started flowing so was jin "we love them" "even tho we are the cause that they don't have time for each other" "we promise we will also do chores and help please grandma" my mom stood up and pushed them out i can hear wonwoo cry I literally and feel my heart breaking into pieces "we will give u the weekend to decide" they left I immediately broke down and fell on my knees crying "yoongi..." jin hugged me "I really hate my mom she always controls my life" I yelled

My lovely husband Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant