11 minuets- Asra x Reader

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Warnings- spoilers for Asras route!
Based off the song 11 minuets by Halsey and Yungblood
Word count- 520
I'm a 11 minuets away and I've missed you all day,I'm 11 minuets away so why aren't you here ?
Regret. Regret and sorrow was all the magician could feel to his core. Regret that he left the the one person who he cared deeply for behind and alone. The feeling of regret was washing away from the magician and was slowly being replaced with guilt. Guilt clouded his conscious due to the last time he had been in their presence. The guilt becoming more and more unbearable due to the harsh words exchanged between the magician and his apprentice before his final departure.
I'm so fuckin' sorry, I'm so fuckin' sorry
I've been playing somebody and it's helping nobody
Memories of the last words spoken between them flashes through the magicians mind as he tried to comprehend what has happened to the one person he would do anything for.
"How can you even suggest running?? Turning our backs on our own people who need our help?!"
"If running and leaving Vesuvia behind means keeping us both safe and alive then I'd do it in a heart beat! I can't afford to lose you!"
The young apprentice looks to asra with a look of shock and hurt. Why would he say such a thing? The plague has taken many of the innocent citizens of Vesuvia,many that both the magician and young apprentice held dear to their heart. Why would he want to abandon the rest of our friends and family in the most darkest of times when they need up the most. The young apprentice inhales breath and gains their composure before speaking to Asra in fear of lashing out to him.
"If you really want to go and adandoned your friends... your family" the apprentice lifts their eyes from the ground to look at Asra dead in the eye to show the determination and compassion they feel to stay "then you can but for me? I plan to stay here and help"
Asra looks at Y/N with total disbelief which he quickly covers with a look of disgust to the idea of staying. "Well if you want to stay and help you do that. Don't expect me to stay around and die like you."

As the magician shakes the memories of
That haunting right from his mind he quickly goes into a panicked state and begins to frantically search through the sand and ash for anything that may signal your presence but to his dismay he is only met with the remains of your bones and ash from the cremation.
How he wished he had stayed with you. Maybe if he stayed things would be different. Maybe you wouldn't have caught the plague. Maybe you would have been here by his side in this moment. Maybe....
But instead you died alone and scared.
If only....
I'm a 11 minuets away and I've missed you all day,I'm 11 minuets away so why aren't you here....why aren't you here?

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