Chapter 2

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At the party:
I really don't wanna be at this stupid party,all Jay's friends are annoying and complete perverts.
Suddenly,I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist from behind. It definitely wasn't Jay because he would never do that. I instantly slapped them away and turned around. It was one of Jay's pervert friends. "What are you doing?" I yelled in his stupid face. "Oh come on,I know you want me" he cockily said back. He pushed me up against a wall "don't pretend you don't want it" he growled lowly in my ear. "No,I really don't" I yelled. Ugh,where's Jay?
"If she says no,she means no" I heard someone say. I looked behind the idiot to see a boy standing there looking at me and "bitch boy" as I now like to call him. "This is none of you're business" bitch boy stated. With that,the stranger boy pushed bitch boy off me,grabbed my hand and ran out the party.
"Thanks" I said,I'm Hannah by the way. "I'm Niall,nice to meet you" he said and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked into his eyes. They were ocean blue and so beautiful,you could literally get lost in them.
Oh shoot,it's Jay. Ugh. "I've gotta go,that's my boyfriend calling me and he'll kill me if he see's me with you. "Oh ,alright,it was nice meeting you Hannah" likewise Niall" I said back with a smile. "Will I ever see you again?" He Called as I started walking away "who knows?" I shouted back.

This party is so boring. I didn't even want to come,but my mate,Olly dragged me here. I just wanted a chilled night but Olly had other plans.
"No,I really don't." I heard a female voice yell. I walked over to where the shouting was coming from "if she says no,she means no" I said with a firm voice. "It's none of you're business" the annoying boy before me stated. I pushed him away,grabbed the girls hand and ran out the party.
"Thanks,I'm Hannah by the way" she said sweetly. "I'm Niall,nice to meet you" I said back,smiling at her. I didn't get to have a proper look at her until now. She was beautiful. She had brown and ginger hair with the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen before. Ugh,I sound so cheesy.
"Hannah?" I heard someone shout.
"Ugh,that's my boyfriend,I'm so sorry,I've got to go" she said. "Well it was nice to meet you" I said "likewise" she said back before walking away. "Will I ever see you again?" I called after her. "Who knows" she shouted back.

I'm lying in bed and I can't stop thinking about Niall. He was so cute. He had brown hair with blonde streaks and the most stunning blue eyes I'd ever seen. He was tall and muscular and he looked like he was about 22-23*. I rolled over and saw Jay was fast asleep. I got up and went down stairs to get a drink of water. I really wasn't tired at all so I took out my pad and pencils and started drawing. Without realising,I had drawn Niall. I couldn't help Starting at it. Even in my drawing,he looked so dreamy.
I heard footsteps coming down stair. Oh shoot,Jay's coming. I can't let him see this. I quickly put my pad and pencils away and grabbed my drink just as Jay walked in. "What are you doing up?" He asked, sleepily. "I couldn't sleep" I answered back "come on,let's get back to bed" he said,sounding tired. I followed him upstairs and went to sleep.

When I got home,I hung my keys up and sat down on the couch. Olly went straight to bed. I think he drank a bit too much,I chuckle to myself. I keep thinking about Hannah. I haven't been able to stop since I laid eyes on her. She's the definition of perfection. I decided to write a song about her. It's what I do to let out my feelings because I know there's no chance I'll ever be with her. She has a boyfriend and even if she didn't,she would never fall for me. I'm not good enough for someone like her. Plus,I don't even know if I'll ever see her again. Ugh! Why can't I stop thinking about her?Why won't she just get out my head? I've never felt this way about a girl before.

* yes ,I know he isn't 23 and I know he doesn't have blonde in his hair anymore but he does In this story.
Thanks for reading

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