I completely looked away while telling him what their manager told me and that I was going too wake up the other trouble makers and tell the! As well. He tried to look into my eyes but I just turned around put on my pajama pants and walked pout the door.

I knocked on to Liam's door with no answer. Typical of the drunk people trying to sleep in. Luckily I was given room keys to all of them besides Zayn's. I opened up the door and found Liam on his bed looking like a starfish. I chuckled a little bit then went to wake him up which luckily wasn't long.

I explained to him what I told Zayn then turned around and walked out without another word. I know this may be a little mean, but I really don't know how to handle it and I definitely don't want tell them what happened.

Anyway, I went to Lou next and opened his door and went and jumped onto his bed. He groaned just like I did before sitting up and looking at me. I explained to him what I explained to Liam and Zayn then walked out.

I went to Harry next and just knocked on the door which he surprisingly answered with out me waking him up. Now I totally didn't make eye contact with him like I did to Zayn. I told him what I told Zayn, Liam, and Louis then walked to Niall's room. As I turned around Liam, Zayn, and Louis were out of their rooms looking at me and trying to make eye contact.

I did make eye contact with Liam and Lou since they didn't do anything but totally avoided Zayn and Harry. Mean again I know but you would too ok. I knocked on Niall's door as well and he opened it as well. I told him what I told the others totally avoiding his beautiful gorgeous blue eyes. Yeah his eyes are dreamy. Anyway, I turned around and walked towards Zayn and walked passed him with out eye contact.

Harry's pov~

I went to open the door even though my head is pounding from last night even though I remember nothing. At the door was El and she looked so cute in her pj's. Before I could utter a word she told me that our manager came over really mad that none of us answered her calls and that our interview was at 5 and not 12 noon. El didn't even look at me in the eyes.

I tried to make eye contact with her but she just looked st something else. Then she turned around and went to Niall's room. I looked at Zayn, Lou, or Liam and they just shrugged. Liam and Lou mouthed that she looked at them in the eyes while Zayn said that she avoided him to. I wonder if it has something to do with last night.

Niall's pov~

I woke up with a massive headache and the feeling of throwing up. Two worst combinations ever. I wonder what happened last night even though I have the feeling I got drunk and in front of El. Anyway, I opened the door to see El standing their but she didn't look at me in the eyes like normal. I tried to look into her eyes but she just looked somewhere else.

She told me what I guess she told the others still not looking at me in the eyes. Without another word she turned around and walked passed Zayn without a word or looking at him. Now I am pretty sure we did something last night which wasn't good at all. I just hope she doesn't hate us.

Lou's pov~

The boys and I all walked out into the hall to talk about El's strange behavior. I know we only have known her for a week or so and we already know and understand how she is. My little panda bear did not look very well today and I wonder why.

Apparently she didn't make any eye contact with Harry, Niall, or Zayn which makes me think they did something last night they shouldn't have. That was typical especially if they were drunk.

"So she made eye contact with you two and not us. What did we do and how can we fix it?" Niall said with anger in his voice.

I he likes her a lot since he is this upset, but I don't want to come to any conclusions yet. Harry looked just as mad and so did Zayn, so something is up and I have no clue what it is. I looked st Liam who I guess noticed the same thing I did because he looked at me just as I looked at him.

"How about Lou and I go talk to her since she at least gave us eye contact and you guys stay here." Liam said as I nodded.

They nodded agreeingly while Liam and I walked in to see El on the couch looking like she wants to fall asleep but tried not to.

Liam's pov~

We walked into Zayn's room to see Ella trying to stay awake. We walked up to her and she looked up at us making eye contact. We just looked at each other for about five minutes and I for some reason understood what she was saying. I looked at Lou who I guess felt the same way. Lou and I sat on each side of her asking if we could talk and she agreed thankfully.

"EL, um why aren't you looking at Niall, Harry, and Zayn? Did something happen?" Lou asked.

She looked at the floor for a few minutes before telling us what happened last night. El explained her plan to give us stuffed animals that she thought reminded her of us, to how all of us were drunk and trying too get us to the limo, and from the limo in to the hotel with out any of our fans noticing and I must say she did a very good job.

Anyway, she explained that once we got up here she went to put each of us in our rooms so that we could sleep and went to put Harry into his room first since she was closest to it anyway. She explained what Harry did and said and how she acted.

I looked at Lou and he looked at me giving me the exact same facial expression. We told her to continued and she said that when she put me and Lou into our rooms that I just kissed her on the forehead then went our like a light while Boo-bear gave her a tight hug then was out too.

She then went on to explain that Niall did what Harry did but for some reason she had a harder time pulling away from him. I mentioned that she might like Niall and she said that maybe the case but she wasn't sure either. Then she finally told us what Zayn did and he totally made out with her.

Once El finished me and Lou hugged her saying it was going to be ok and she should tell them what they did since they weren't really happy with themselves. Before she answered she showed us a video she took of us doing who knows what and I had to admit it was pretty funny.

"Ok but could you guys tell them for me, because I am really tired." She said yawning.

We both nodded them walked out to let her sleep. This was going to be an interesting evening.

Lou's pov~

Once we left we found the boys leaning on the wall across the hall. Liam told them what Moni told us and all of their mouths dropped. I then showed the! The video she took of us after she put Harry into his room. They all laughed before going back to the topic at hand.

Niall looked really sad after we explained to him what she said and everything about him. Without a word he got up from the floor and walked into his room to get ready for our interview which was in thirty minutes. Harry and Zayn did the same while me and Lou just sighed and walked into our rooms.

Zayn's pov~

I walked into my room without saying anything and went to get ready for our interview. I saw El sleeping soundly on the bed with the TV remote in her right hand. I wanted to wake he up and apologize to her, but I guess she would be tired after helping us all last night. So I just got dressed and walked back out to meet the boys n the hall again so that we could get to our interview on time.

Runaway Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora