Chapter 7

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"You bring me to my knees"

Candice P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open to the natural sunlight in our room. What happened last night came back to my brain, first Richard has escaped and then Jake fucking me to oblivion. It made me smile, that man was truly all I need and all I wanted. I looked to the right of me and saw an empty bed. Jake was probably at work. I flipped the covers off my body and lazily trudged to the bathroom. I grabbed my towel and undressed from the clothes I had on. Jake must have dressed me before he put me to bed. I brought the button up shirt to my nose, it smelled like him. It was masculine and I knew no matter what I would associate this scent with him. I stepped into the shower letting the hot water run down my body. It was relaxing. Made all my troubles disappear. A sudden crash made me jump from my thoughts. My eyes widened. Was it Richard? I shut the water off and wrapped a towel around my body. Running out of the room I quickly ran down the stairs to see what happened.

"You dumbass, your gonna wake Candice up." That was most defiantly Jakes voice.

"Sorry man, the thing just slipped out of my hand." That voice I didn't know, but if Jake trusts that person I guess I can. Then it hit me, what fell? What if some one was hurt. Against my better judgement, forgetting I was in just a towel, I ran to where those voices were.

"Is anyone hurt?" I breathed, pushing the door open. As I looked in the dinning room my mouth dropped open. The dining room had cases open full of cameras and some full of weapons. On the floor was a shattered vase, with shards everywhere. I looked to the 4 pairs of eyes on me, one was Jakes who I didn't stare at long cause the look he gave made death cower. The other 3 were mildly handsome men, with either 45 caliber pistols on their hips or 9mm pistols in a holster around their shoulders.

"Jake? Who are they?" I asked now becoming fully aware I was in only a towel.

"Jake man, is that Candice?" The guy closest to him said. He is about 6.1 black skin, no hair and a trimmed goatee. He was buff to.

"Yes," Jakes voice sounded angry." Candice why are you down here only in a towel?" He clenched his fist and the three men stepped back. I only glared, this mans temper was about to get on my nerves.

"I heard a crash, thinking someone might have broken in, or that someone was hurt. I didn't know how long I had, so I grabbed the first thing I could, and came down here to make sure everything is alright." I stated sharply placing my hands on my hips.

"Go upstairs now." Jake stepped closer to me, his words sounded final. You ever see a cartoon where the line that was being held together by a string just snaps, well that is what happened in my head.

"No." The three men,who I will now call the three musketeers, jaws dropped. If I hadn't been so angry at Jake I would have laughed. "Explain to me first what the hell is going on, why their packing 45s and 9mm and why it looks like you robbed an armory. Then I will go back upstairs continue my shower and get on with my life." I took a step with each question I asked till I was standing looking him in the eyes, well sort of. He is 6.4 and I'm 5.11 so well you know what I mean. I couldn't tell what was in his eyes, anger, or happiness. Well I just broke like 3 rules in the contract, so I'm going to guess angry.

"Candice, go upstairs, now." My fists tightened on my hips. Why was he being so secretive.


"NOW CANDICE!" I jumped at the sound of his voice. My fists clenched together ready for a full out brawl, but in that moment I realized what he was doing. He was gearing up for Richard. My face went drained and I turned and went back upstairs. My brain knew that Richard could come and with the phone call that he sent me a while back made a shiver run up my spine. He was really coming. I pushed through our door and sat on the bed. My thoughts of everything that was going on went through my brain on replay. My parents death, his phone call, and his escape. What was going to happen? Would he kill me? Or Jake? I felt like I was about to throw up. Actually I think I am. I ran to the bathroom emptying the contents of my stomach. A cold wash rag was placed around my neck. I flinched backwards but then stopped when I realized it was Jake. Another round of vomit came through and Jake sat there soothing my back and holding my hair. My body was shaking uncontrollably. A habit it has when I throw up. Finally I stopped throwing up and flushed the toilet. Taking the cold rag around my neck I wiped my mouth and sat against the wall and Jake swooped me into his lap. We said nothing. Jake only held me and ran his fingers up and down my back. It felt like hours we sat there.

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