"No Quarter"

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I was with the Mikaelsons "I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans somewhere underground I can't find exactly where unless I'm in the city itself" Freya said "yeah that's gonna be a problem I have contacts in New Orleans as you can imagine the place is crawling with vampires all of whom hate all of us whatever we do we need to do it fast"I said "well,I don't want to stay longer then we have to but we need to do this fast" "whoa wait we're not doing this today..?" Kol asked "I have been away from my daughters long enough of You're afraid..." "it's called being sensible Marcel can basically chew through our bloody throats" Kol said "enough we free Nicklaus today" Elijah said.

"I can distract Marcel Elijah I'm the only one he won't kill on site" I said "don't talk to me about some ludicrous diversion you're walking into a lions den" Elijah said "I'll be fine I just have to convince him that I come alone and all I wanna do is talk" "you are placing yourself in tremendous danger if Niklaus was to know that I let you on a suicide mission- "Elijah! Let me do something to help! Klaus has been in pain for a whole year and me sitting back and doing nothing just hurts even more" then I grabbed his hand "promise me you'll be careful" "I promise".

I was at the cemetery with Marcel "I wasn't sure you'd come" I said "I wasn't sure you would be sane" he said then he held my hand "I kept wondering what happened to you" he said "nothing bad I was- "protecting your daughters I know" then I put my hand on his "you've had endless opportunities to kill Klaus did you hold off on my account? Then please Marcel if some part of you still cares about me help me for the sake of all we've been to one another I am begging you to let my husband go" then Marcel let go of my hand "and if I say no?" "You know better then anyone that my family always gets what it wants no matter if it takes a thousand days or a thousand years is he really worth all that trouble?" "Come on Liliana did you really think it'd be that easy? All you have to do is ask nicely? Keeping Klaus hostage comes with certain advantages he makes a good trophy proof that I took down the worst monster in the world any of my guys get bitten by wolves I can use his blood to fix that and if I need to I can use him to keep those monsters you call family in line besides, if I'm being honest he deserves to suffer so yeah he's worth the trouble" "your logic is completely rubbish you can stockpile enough of his blood for all the cures that you'll ever need and if it's  a trophy that you're after then you are not much of a man to begin with, As for your pound of flesh, you have had more then enough" "really? Considering what you're family had done?" "We were at war,Wars have casualties blood is shed mistakes are made, The man you were understood that" "well that man is long gone,who's fault is that? This is about Klaus isn't it? Elijah and the others are on their way to rescue him" then Marcel pulled out the dagger that can make me be in pain "I found this over the year see, I can't have you or your so called family get in my way so I have to kill Klaus" then he tried to stab me but I jumped back "Marcel you don't have to do this just let Klaus go and we'll be on our way we'll go far from here I promise I don't want to be here I rather be with my daughters as a family and you can go back to leading your city" "I'm sorry Lily" Then he stab me in the stomach and sped away.

I was lying on the ground in pain from the dagger and I tried to pull it out but it only hurt more I was whimpering from the pain, then I saw Kol run to me "K...Kol" I whimpered as a tear fell from my eyes "shhh I'm going to get you out of here" then he tried to pull the dagger out but I cried out in pain and he immediately let go of the dagger and gently picked me up and sped away.

By this time I was sweating and shuddering from the endless pain that I felt then Kol put me down on the ground gently and I saw Rebekah who ran to me "The dagger it's causing her pain it's like the papa trunde blade but worse I can't pull it out" Kol said to Rebekah then Elijah Klaus and Hayley and Freya ran out the sewer to me "what happened?!" Klaus said angry "Marcel happened this dagger is lethal to her" Kol explained then Hayley kneels down next to me holding my hand "we have to pull it out Marcel is right behind us"  then Klaus gripped the dagger and ripped it out from my stomach "AAH!!" Then Hayley pulled me up "can you walk?" Then I almost fell but Klaus ran to me and picked me up and we got in the car.

We got home in Arkansas and I went up to my room and took a shower and I walked down the hall to see Klaus in Hope and Faith's room so I walked up to him "they're getting so big" Klaus smiled "they are" I smiled "how old are they?" "Three" then Hope's eyes started to flutter and she woke up and stood up in her crib and I picked her up and she looked over at Klaus and a little smile showed up on her face as she laid her head on my shoulder and Klaus rubbed her little hand and she hid her face in m the crook of my neck and I laughed as Klaus smiled "she had your eyes a lot more then she had mine their more green then blue" Klaus said and I smiled.

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Liliana Salvatore (The Salvation) "Wind Of Forever" // Wattys 2019Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα