to the moon and back 🌙 #perfectdate

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TO : my best friend- the person who would go to the moon and back for me

FROM : your best friend- the person who would do the same for you

"it's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds"

I can still remember the first day of seventh grade and the first thing that you said to me, officially marking the beginning of our long-lasting bond.

think about the countless inside jokes that we have and the secrets that we both know about each other. think about how many seconds we have wasted over pointless arguing, when, instead, we could have been laughing over something random like we always do. when this year is over, all of that is going to be ... gone

just like that. every minute that we spent together will be a fossil of our friendship. we'll both find new best friends, and soon enough, my face will only be a foggy image in your mind. the most that you'll be saying to me is a polite 'hello' in the hallways or near the lockers. 

so please, let's spend the rest of our time together in happiness. let us laugh harder than we've ever laughed, smile more than we've ever smiled, and trust each other more than we've ever trusted each other before. and at the end of the year, I just need to have our last moments as best friends before summer break washes away all of our memories. 

i'll see you at the café that we usually go to and sit in the seats that we always sat in for the whole year. we'll have our last drinks- a mint hot chocolate for you and an iced milk tea for me- and gossip, pretending like it's a normal day for us. but inside, we both know that it's not just a normal day.

this is the last day you'll see me as ... myself. next year, i'll just be another girl that was in your class before. but even if you can't see that i'm the same person, i'll always see you as my friend. the friend that can listen to all of my rants and send me pictures of her two dogs to cheer me up. 

as we hug for the last time, i'll be fighting my tears back, because once our bond is broken, I know i'll never be the same again. not without you, your big smile, and sarcastic remarks.

I won't ever be the same without you, and as cheesy as it sounds, it's the truth.

without you, I am only one half, but together, we make a whole. 

sincerely yours,


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