Chapter 2: Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros. Ultimate

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SMG4 and Tari arrived at the castle and immediately turned on the Switch.

SMG4: We can be a perfect team to compete in the tournament, Tari.

Tari: We both press the correct buttons fast and focus hard whenever we play video games, and we're awesome together, so of course we can be the perfect team. So we gotta start training hard in order for us to win this tournament and the $1000.

SMG4: The first game to play in the tournament is Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros. Ultimate, so we gotta get started on that.

They got started on training. SMG4 picked Fox, while Tari picked Yoshi. They went online in a team battle, and they were on the same team. They were against two people playing as Cloud and Mewtwo.

SMG4: Interesting opponents. Let's do this, Tari.

Tari: Together forever, SMG4.

They began fighting, and both teams were evenly matched. In fact, it took two minutes for one person to lose a stock, and it was Mewtwo.

Tari: Great job so far, SMG4.

SMG4: You too, Tari. Wait, look out! Cloud's coming for you!

Tari immediately dodged Cloud's attack after SMG4's warning.

Tari: Thanks.

SMG4: No problem.

The fight went on for ten minutes, but SMG4 and Tari made their way through it and won with only one stock on both of them.

SMG4: Man, that was quite a hassle.

Tari: Yeah. It sure was hard, but hey, we won, and that's all that matters.

SMG4: Let's hope we find more easier opponents overtime.

Tari: Yeah, same here.

They continued playing matches online all day, and they won most of them. They did lose some of them, but they were progressing a lot for the whole day.

Fishy Boopkins and Bob were off to a rough start, but they were progressing strongly as well. Fishy was playing as Piranha Plant, while Bob was playing as Incineroar.

Later that night, they were about to start one last match for the night, but both teams will soon be unexpectedly facing each other, and they don't know that.

SMG4: Piranha Plant and Incineroar? Huh. That's the team that Boopkins and Bob always pick, but it can't be them.

Tari: Yeah. Some other team is most likely facing us.

Bob: FoX aNd YoShI?

Fishy Boopkins: That can't be SMG4 and Tari. Ignore about who we're facing and focus like what Tari says.

Bob: I'm ReAdY, bOoPkInS.

Both teams started to face each other and the match began. Boopkins and Bob, after all of their training, were hitting SMG4 and Tari more than SMG4 and Tari were hitting them.

Bob: GeT rEkT, bItChEs! ThE aLmIgHtY bOb AnD bOoPkInS aRe GoNnA wIn ThE tOuRnAmEnT wItH oUr StReNgTh AnD sTrAtEgY!

SMG4: Jesus, they're strong!

Tari: Oh my goodness. SMG4, I have a plan. It's a special power I have. Hold my hand. Trust me!

SMG4: O-okay.

SMG4 held Tari's hand, as her eyes turned bright and they started to get transported into the game.

SMG4: Holy shit! What the f*ck is going on?!?

Tari: Calm down, SMG4. In order to win the game, we have to be inside it.

SMG4: You can go inside games? That is so cool!

Tari: Thanks. Now punch these two for real, without a controller!

SMG4: Got it!

They started fighting Boopkins and Bob while inside the game, and their attacks were more stronger.

Bob: WhAt ThE hElL iS gOiNg On AlL oF a SuDdEn?

Fishy Boopkins: Just focus, Bob!

Bob: BuT nO mAtTeR hOw MuCh I fOcUs, I kEeP gEtTiNg My AsS kIcKeD!

Tari: Keep it up, SMG4! Focus!

SMG4 and Tari kept blasting their opponents off the stage, and they managed to win.

Bob: HoW tHe HeLl?!

Fishy Boopkins: It's just a little match, but don't worry, Bob. We'll win this!

Bob: AlRiGhT, bOoPkInS. wE aRe GoNnA wIn ThIs ToUrNaMeNt ToGeThEr!

Fishy Boopkins: That's the spirit, Bob! Wanna take a break and watch anime?

Bob: HeLl YeAh, My MaN!

While Bob and Boopkins were watching anime, SMG4 and Tari got back out of the game, with SMG4 stunned at what he just went through.

SMG4: Tari... you're the most awesome cyborg ever! You can transport to inside games, and that's the greatest thing ever!

Tari: Thank you, SMG4.

SMG4: We are sure to win the tournament with your awesome power!

Tari: Great idea, SMG4. We are sure to win with my special power in no time!

SMG4: You wanna take a break, Tari? Watch a movie?

Tari: Sure. I sure am getting tired.

SMG4: Me too. We deserve this break.

They started to watch a movie as celebration for the first day of their training over. Their long days of training has just begun.

If you haven't seen the Meta Runner trailer (which is SMG4's first animated series coming this June), Tari's power of transporting into games comes from that trailer. I can't wait for that series to come out.

The next chapter will be about them training for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. See you all later.

SMG4 X Tari: The Gaming TournamentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ