Part Two

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Ell's POV

When we arrived at McDonald's we decided to eat in and not go through the drive in.

I ordered my food and Nate was ordering his food at the counter next to me.

The woman gave me my change and I saw Nate put his change in the tins at the front supporting children with a better health.

'Aw that was sweet' I thought to myself.

"I'm off to find a table Ell" Nate said as he placed his hand on my waist as he got given his food before me.

Once I got my food I went to find Nate, when I saw him sat down at a table with two other boys.

Nate glanced at me and then back to the boys, the two boys both turned their heads and looked at me then smiled back at Nate.

I was slightly self conscious now.

Nate's POV

I went to go find a table when I saw Sam and Jake sat down in the corner booth. They saw me and called me over.

"You on your lunch break then?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah I've come with the new girl from work" I told then both.

"She nice?" Jake said to me.

"Yeah she's coming over now, don't make it too obvious we were just talking about her" I replied back to them.

Jake and Sam both turned around and looked Ell up and down. Smooth. She's gonna know we were talking about her now.

"She's queen man" Sam whispered to me with a smirk.

I laughed and looked down at my food as she made her way to our table.

She took the seat next to me in the booth.

"This is Sam and Jake" I introduced Ell to them both.

"Hiya I'm Ell" she said with a soft voice.

You could tell she was shy around them.

"We've just been talking about you" Sam said to Ell with one raised eyebrow.

Shit. I kicked Sam underneath the booth.

"Argg man" Sam whisper yelled at me.

I shook my head discreetly and gave Sam the look of 'shut the fuck up'.

"What were you talking about?" Ell soon spoke up.

"That your ass looks great in them shorts" Sam told Ell has he laughed into his drink. He lied.

Ell's face turned a soft pink colour and she began to blush. It was cute.

"I'll take that as a compliment should I?" Ell asked Sam.

"It's defiantly a compliment" he spoke back to her with a wink.

Seriously. Sammy's already trying to flirt with her.

I rolled my eyes when Jake saw me.

"I'm just nipping to the little girls room I won't be long" Ell told us with a small giggle.

I nodded my head and began eating.

"C'mon Sammy, obviously Nate wants full dibs on Ell" Jake told Sam.

"I saw her first Sammy" I joked with a laugh.

Sam put his hands up in surrender as he began laughing.

Ell came back and we all finished our food.

"Right me and Ell better get back before we get sacked from our jobs" I told Sam and Jake.

"Alright, it was nice meeting you Ell" Jake told her.

She smiled "You too".

Sam smiled and she smiled back.

"Bye guys" she said to them both.

As we began walking out of McDonald's Ell was called back.

"Ell" Sam shouted to her.

She ran over to them as I waited at the door.

She soon came running back to me.

"What they what?" I asked with suspicion.

"I can't tell you it's a secret" she winked as she took over me and walked out of the door into the car park.

A/N- Quite a small part but I hope you all liked this part. Remember to Comment, Vote and Follow to stay updated.

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