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Davos/Rhaella is the best I could come up with for this!

He was stood over looking flee bottom from one of the many balcony's in the red keep thinking of how far he has come from growing up there, when a quiet but confident voice pulled him out of his thoughts "grandpa Davos please may I ask you something?" He turned to see the six year old princess who was the spitting image of her mother but her eyes where all her late fathers. "Of course Princess" he Said as he took a seat on the small table as Rhaella sat across from him "I want to know about my father, whenever I ask mama she says one day but then I see she's almost crying did she not like papa?" She asked as she looked like she was about to cry, "of course I will tell you and the first thing is you're Mother and father loved each other more than I've ever seen two people love each before, you're father telling her she had to live for you is the reason she's still here and her love for you, she only cry's because she misses him and it's hard for her to talk about him but you can always ask me if there something you wish to know" said Davos "Thank you, Is it true that he came back from ...." her top lip began to tremble as she burst into tears jumping of her seat and launching herself into Davos arms taking him by surprise "shh Princess it's okay" he whispered as he suddenly felt this wave of sadness wash over him At the thought of how good of a father Jon would of been.

After a few moments Rhaella broke the comfortable silence they where both in "did he?" Was all she asked "yes I saw it with my own eyes" was all he replied "why didn't he come back again.." as she flooded into a another load of tears with her head rested of Davos shoulder shortly after the princess cried herself to sleep, he made his way to carry her to her joint room with the queen.
"Ser Davos" called the queen "oh thank goddess she's with you she keeps running from her nannies when they began to bore her while I'm busy" Said a relived Daenerys "aye she was with me we were talking as she fell asleep so I thought I would carry her to her bed" the queen smiled "Thank you I do hope she wasn't disturbing you I know how much she loves and looks up to you definitely the father figure she lacks" she replied with the sadness shining In her eyes something Davos as only began seeing under the Queenly face  she shows the world after many years in her presence. "She's no bother your grace she's reminds me so much of him it's nice to be apart of her family and see her grow into such a clever girl definitely going to follow in her mother's footsteps for a great queen"
There conversation turned lighter as they made there way to the queens chambers placing her on her bed in the room next to the queens he saw the rocking chair in the corner of her room with Jon's fur laid of the back of it "i would feed her there and rap it around us both silly really how it brought me so much comfort on them lonely nights I still make her sit there with me with the furs now or I will rap myself in them and watch her sleep" She said making Davos jump she sighed and shook her head "don't listen to me I must sound mad" she laughed of as she walk back into her study more of a sanctuary for the queen to become Daenerys and a mother and Rhaellas play room there normally very private rooms not even her Lord hand was allowed in only missadei and the Starks. "You do not sound mad your grace I still carry memories with me of my son and princess Shireen she was like Rhaella is with me now I blame myself everyday for her death although her father and mother believed it was the only way but it I was there" Daenerys gave him a small smile "Jon did tell me" that name from her lips shocked him the must he hadn't heard her say his name since the day he passed a month after the battle against the dead it was said his insides where Beyond repair from such bad bruising at first Davos didn't think anything of it Jon always survived but as he grew worse Davos knew this was the end he lived to see his daughter born as Deanerys placed him on his chest he and cried then whispered to his love before taking his last breath Daenerys locked herself a way for days only the midwifes and the maester could visit her and the babe not even her closest friend for the first week it was till the princess was a couple of moons old that he himself got to hold her, Daenerys came to his study and simply said "he would of wanted you to be a big part of her life" as she placed Rhaella into his arms he said then he would always be there for the princess and wouldn't fail her.

Note - isn't that good wrote this in 20 min work break as the idea came to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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