Lil Bálor

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*Your P.O.V*

You were sitting backstage at the arena waiting for Finn to get out of his match when you felt a little nausious. You just shrugged it off thinking that you were going to get sick later on.

When Finn came back from his match,you were already at the curtain waiting for him. "Hey (Y/N)!" He said as you jumped on him,showering him with kisses

"Hey Love !! nice match!!" You said with excitement."Thank you Princess!"he said you both started making your way back to his locker room when you go the same feeling from earlier.

You rushed to the nearest bathroom and immediately threw up in the toilet.  Luckily, it wasn't just the girls bathroom so Finn came in and held your hair back.

Once you were done you went to the sink and washed your hands and gargled water."(Y/N) are you sure you are okay, because this is the 5th time this week.." He asked with concern in his eyes

"Im fine bab-" you were cut off by yourself throwing up once again in the toilet.

"are you?" He said once you were done."maybe you should go to the trainers office." He suggested.

"Ok Ok! I will" you gave up

Once you got to the trainers, he suggested that you take a pregnancy test just to make sure. You took the test in the bathroom and you looked down in shock.


You immediately started freaking out. 'We barely talked about this! What if he leaves me!?' You thought.

"(Y/N)?" Finn asked. He walked in the bathroom in shock to see you sitting on the ground in deep thought.

"Oh my gosh baby whats wrong!?" He asks with concern. "you're going to leave me if I tell you.." you mumble.

"Leave you? what do you mean?" He asks still concerned.

"I-I'm Pregnant.." you mutter lowly. 

His face contorts in confusion. "huh?" he asks, making you mutter it again slightly louder. "what??" 

"I'm Pregnant" You say louder, irritation laced through your voice. 

 He immediately pulls you into his arms gently and starts rocking your stiff body in his arms. You both sit there, gently rocking in each other's embraces, while deeply in thought. That is, Until Finn finally speaks up. 

"(Y/N)? Why did you think I was going to leave you?" He asks.

"Because we barely talked about this and I didn't know if you ever wanted kids with me." You confessed, avoiding his icy blue eyes in fear of what his reaction right now is. "(Y/N) look at me." you hesitantly glance up at him."Of course I want kids with you! You are the greatest thing in the world to me and i would love for you to be the mother of my children."

His words made your heart jump out of your chest.

He isn't mad at you! 

" I love you"

*3 months later*

You and Brie were out shopping for her baby and all was going well. You both decide to go to the food court because you were both pregnant and hungry lads!

"So Girly, how are you feeling about becoming a new mother!?" She asks VERY loudly. "Ummmmm, I'm excited but scared of the labor and labor pains." You said quite casually. She nodded as you two carried on your conversation about Pregnancy until your food came.

She looks up at you curiously, you glance between her and your food as her curiosity always leads to the most bizarre and inquisitive questions. "You think Finn is going to propose?"

When she asked, you choked on your food." U-Um..i hope so!" you say with enthusiasm. 


 "Speak of the devil" you say and pick up the phone.

"Hello?" you answer.

"Hey princess!!" He says."I am taking you out today" He says. "Ok love see you soon, BYEEE!" You say and hang up.

"What was that about?" Brie asks with a smirk on her face.

"Finn wants to take me out tonight." you say casually. 

Out of nowhere, Brie starts squealing and giggling. Knowing Brie she's probably thinking this is the universe's elaborate plan to have Finn propose to you and that she asked you because the universe told her to.


"DO NOT start Brianna Monique!" You say while chuckling. She giggles, pulling you into a hug as  you both get up to leave.


You had just finished getting ready when you heard a small knock on the door. You hop downstairs and open the door to see your very handsome boyfriend in his classic, a marvel t-shirt, some black jeans, black and white vans, and to top it all off, a leather jacket. "You look beautiful (Y/N)!" he said with wide eyes. You smirk and plant a peck on his lips.

When you two got to the car, he said "put this on i want to surprise you." While handing you a blindfold. You being yourself and all up for surprises, you put it on.

Once you two got there,he led you to where ever you are and sat you down gently. "Okay you may take it off now." He said. You took it off to reveal and exact set up of your very first date together 9 years ago. You gasp out loud."Finn! It's beautiful...I remember it like it was yesterday!!" He smiled at how your eyes lit up at it. You went to walk around, unknowingly giving Finn time to 'get ready'.

As you were still looking at the beautiful, crystal blue lake, you felt Finn pull on your skirt. You turned around to see him on one knee holding a box with a giant diamond ring inside of it.

"(Y/N) you are the most precious thing in the world to me! And I will never stop loving and cherishing every moment i get with you. I love you so much and the past 9 years with you have been the best 9 years of my life. So, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) will you do me the honor and make me the happiest Devitt in the world and marry me?" 'AHHHHHHH HE POPPED THE QUESTION' you thought. "HELL YEAH!!" you said.

He jumped up and pulled you into a hug spinning you around. Both of you are tearing up 

" I love you" you both said in unison.

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