Valentines Day

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Hello my people i wrote another one but it is not part two of the last one. I hope that every one of you guys are having fun and having a good day.

Harry was walking down the corridor under his invisibility cloak down to hagrids to see if he is ok or not. When he gets there he knocks on the door and hears a dog barking of the iside of the house.

"'os ther". Harry forgotten that he was under the cloak. He popped his head out and waved at him with a smile that was not forced upon.

"'arry what 're ye doin here, you should be 'n bed by now" Hagrid looked at him then motion him inside his hut". "Sorry hadrid but I couldn't sleep so I came down to see you and also since i havnt got any of you classes now" Harry looked at him with worry in his eyes then looked at his feet.

Hagrid patted his back almost flinging the poor boy backward against the table.
"'re ye ready fir tomorrow 'arry". Harry nodded once and gave him a sad smile.

"I got to go Hagrid before people realize that I am gone" he gets up and puts the cloak back on him.
Hagrid gave a look that showed him sympathy and respect.

Little did Harry know is that Hermione and Pancy were waiting in his bedroom. They both knew that if they cant get Malfoy to talk to Harry about his feeling than they are bringing Harry up to his dorm tied up and wearing nothing but his boxers.

When he got to his room he heard someone say "Petrificus Totalus" before he went all paralyzed feom the shoulders down.

The girls then stripts him down to his boxers. They put tape over his mouth so that he wouldnt call rape. Then they tied him up in a gold silk ribbon. After they were done with that they put a note on him that said:

I was whining all morning
about you so I decied to visit you.
Pancy+Hermoine had nothing to do with this.Happy Valentine's Day.

....(the next morning)....

They took him up to Draco's room and knocked on the door and unfreezed Harry before running away. "What now" his voice was filled with anger since he couldnt have potter to himself.
When he opens the door, he finds a very hansome potter outside his door. He notice that there is a note on Harry's glasses and realized that the two girls did this in his favore.

"Well,well,well look do we have here,a very sexy Griffindor that is tied up in gold and has Slytherin green underwear" he smirks and lifts Harry up and takes them to his bed.

Draco carefully takes the tape of his mouth and asked him a question. "Do you want to be my boyfriend once i win your heart or do i have to prove my entire exsistance that i can change just for your liking".

Harry looks at him then mumbles out softly " already won my heart Draco". Draco heard this and cups both of his cheeks then kisses him with passion and loving.

"So does this mean that you would go out with me" Draco said with a tender smile. (and yes Draco can smile so deal with it) "Yes you git and help me out here"
Once they got done changing they went to the great hall holding hands knowing that their love would never end until they die.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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