Chapter 1

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Your POV

Hello my names Y/n, and I'm a hunter in training. I'm a student in beacon, you would think that's cool but really it isn't. Since I got there I've gotten bullied by most people for not having a weapon.

Such people is the famous team RWBY, The champion her self Pyrrha and this one girl named Nora, others such as as Coco, a girl name Cinder and her friend Emerald.

I have some friends such as Pyrrha and Nora's teammates Jaune and Ren, Cinder's teammate Mercury, Fox and Yatusachi, hell even Cardin Winchester is my friend since his team transferred to Shade academy.

Most of the teachers don't like me like Glynda and professor Peach, but there is only one teacher that is my friend and he is Dr Oobleck.

Anyways it's time for me to wake up so let's go on with my story.


You: Oh my god why did I buy this alarm!

I punch the alarm sending it to a wall shattering it.

You: What day is it?

I check my scroll and realise it's Monday.

You: Son of a gun

I get up and put on my uniform and head out to my first lesson which is Dr Oobleck himself.

Jaune: Hey Y/n!

I look behind me and see my friend Jaune and Ren.

You: Hey Jaune! You too Ren

Ren: Hey you alright?

You: Well with what's been happening probably no

Ren: Figures

Jaune: Well anyways let's go to Professor Oobleck's class!

You: It's actually Dr Oobleck

Jaune: Oh damn! Do you think he heard me?

Ren: He hears everything Jaune

Jaune: Oh.....Well I'm screwed

You: Yeah

Suddenly I got a bad feeling that something is happening

You: Do you feel that?

Ren: Yeah and it's bad

Jaune: I can't feel it

Ren: It's probably for the best

???: Oh Y/nnnnnnn

I flinched at the sound of the voice and looked behind me and saw Yang with Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha and Nora.

You: Ah crap baskets

Yang: Time for your beating!

Weiss: I agree

Nora: *evil laugh*

Pyrrha: I dislike people like you

Ruby: Sorry but it what you deserve

Blake: I'm gonna enjoy this

You: Ren how much time before our our first lesson

Ren: 5 minutes

You:......It's all I need

Ren: Want us to hold them off for you?

You: Could really help me

Ren: Alright then

Jaune and Ren attempt to block their way and allow me to run but it didn't last long as they got blasted away by Yang and Nora.

You: Oh no!

Blake: Oh yes!

Ruby tries to shoot me but I just barely dodge.

You: Eep!

I make a run for Oobleck's while the girls chase me. Now that I think about it why are all my bullies Females?

My thoughts disappeared as Nora shoots me with her grenade launcher. I dodged it, I could of easily blocked it but I don't want to reveal my nano tech since Atlas would track me down and experiment with me.

I turn around a corner and continue my escape with the girls not far behind, shooting me.

You: Ah crap baskets!

I trip and realise that Blake wrapped her gamble shroud around my ankle I quickly take it off but it's too late as yang kicks me in the air and punches me into a wall.

That approach me ready to beat the living hell out of me.

You: Seriously why do you do this?!

Pyrrha: Because you are weak

Weiss: And you have no weapon to defend your self

Ruby: And we're pretty sure you don't have a semblance

You: Well then.....oh hi Ozpin!

They bought it and looked behind, I took the opportunity to leg it in which I did. It took them a few seconds to realise that I fooled them so they continued to chase me.

I managed to reach Oobleck's class in time but the girls were late.

Oobleck: You girls have a one hour detention with me at lunch

Yang: Dammit!

I sit next to Cardin since he is my friend.

Cardin: Yo Y/n you alright?

You: Well I manged to escape them 6, took a kick and punch from Yang but fooled them with the Ozpin trick so I'm fine.

Cardin: Shit that's bad

You: Yeah, did Ren and Jaune make it?

Cardin: Nah they are in the infirmiry

You: Oh OK

Ever since I become friends with Cardin he became a changed man and decided to not bully faunas or Jaune.

After a while it was lunch I decided to check on Jaune and Ren.

You: Wonder what's the time?

???: It's raping time~

You: Oh no!

Cinder: Oh yes~

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