Michael Langdon- Mercy

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word count: 2k

Your world as you'd once known it was over.
Huddled in the corner of the dining room, the once-pure white walls now stained with angry splotches of deep maroon, you anticipated what was only inevitable. Tears trailed down your face and wet your clothing- around you laid the lifeless bodies of your coven, your sisters.
You knew Cordelia was upstairs with Myrtle and Mallory, but besides them, you were the only one left. And now, as the crisp footsteps of expensive shoes on wood flooring drew closer to you, it was evident that your time had come to join the fallen ones.
"Now where, oh where, could our last little friend be?"
The man's voice was cool and steady, tone mocking as he rounded the corner of the dining table, putting you directly in his line of sight. You had no idea how you'd survived the initial slaughter; luck, you supposed, although whatever "luck" you might've managed to grasp onto was now gone. As the shards flew through the air towards your coven, you'd ducked, pressing yourself flat against the ground and silently praying to yourself. Somehow, it had worked. You'd done the same thing when Mead, or Mead's apparent robotic replica, had opened fire on the remaining few. Now you were all alone, just you and the all-powerful antichrist who held a personal vendetta against your kind.
You were doomed.
Weakly, you looked at him, vision partially obscured from the hot tears that refused to cease their falling. He was dressed in all black, hands folded neatly behind him as his eyes fell upon you. When your eyes met, he grinned.
"There she is," he said with mock enthusiasm. "You almost missed out on all the fun."
"P-please," you sobbed, knowing all the same that nothing would change your fate. You couldn't help it, though; you were terrified.
"Your coven fucked with my family," he said, suddenly dropping his previous act in favor of a more serious approach. Still, you could see the smirk playing at his lips as he looked you over. He was fucking enjoying this. "And for that, you have to pay."
"I didn't know- I didn't- it wasn't-" you were incoherent, scrambling for words as if anything you said would make any difference now.
He came closer to you, and you could swear you felt the raw, sinful power radiating from his every pore. You knew he could disintegrate you into a pile of dust right then if he so chose, but you were sure he'd opt instead for something a bit more personal. He cocked his head to the side, a nasty smile appearing on his face.
"I can't understand a word out of your mouth."
You pressed your back into the wall, cowering as he came close enough to touch you. You looked up at him, at that impeccable blond hair and flawless skin and chiseled jaw, his features combining to form a face of pure evil. And god damn it, that face of evil was beautiful.
You racked your brain for your last few options at survival, never being one to give up easily. Your stomach dropped as you realized there were no more options- a shaking mess of useless magical ability, you were cornered. There would be no running, and even if you were able to, you were sure he'd disintegrate you before you reached the doorway. You looked down at his well-shined leather shoes, slowly easing yourself into the task of looking into your soon-to-be killer's face.
You dragged your gaze upwards, eyes landing on the presumably expensive belt that was threaded through his belt loops. And then you had an idea. A crazy one, at that. But an idea was an idea, and it was worth a shot.
Looking up into his apathetic eyes, you prepared yourself to beg him again for your life. But this time, you'd give him something of an incentive to let you live. "Please," you said shakily, tears still leaking from the corner of your eyes. "I'll do anything."
You brought yourself forward to rest on your knees, coming face-to-face with his crotch. Before he could react, you began undoing his belt with trembling hands, glancing up at him nervously every few seconds, fearing the worst reaction. He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly caught off guard by your bold actions, but then he licked his lips.
Back came the smug exterior, and he let out a dry chuckle. "So this is how you're begging for your life? Getting on your knees and sucking my cock? I have to say, I didn't expect this."
Wordlessly, you released the button of his pants from its hold and worked down the zipper, reaching impatiently inside to feel his warm, massive bulge. To your surprise, he was already semi-erect. If not given the circumstances, you probably would've been having the time of your life.
"It's certainly refreshing to see one of your kind actually attempting to do something useful, though," he taunted as you pulled his cock out of the confines of his boxers. It was big, to say the least, striped with protruding veins around the thick circumference.
You met his gaze, wordlessly asking for his permission to proceed. He smirked down at you, easing his cock further out of his pants. "Well, go on. Convince me to spare your pathetic life."
You wrapped your lips around the tip, tasting salty precum on your tongue. He sighed as you slid your head further down, taking as much of him as you could, and his hand found itself on the back of your head. He held your hair firmly at the root, following your motions as you bobbed up and down, reaching one hand up to grip his shaft.
"You're going to have to do a lot better than that," he said, thrusting your head forward suddenly so you choked on him. Although you couldn't see his face, you could imagine the look of satisfaction that was bound to be plastered across it.
Saliva made its way down your chin and you let out a stifled gag, a jolt of pain shooting through your scalp as he jerked your head forward for a second time. You couldn't believe this was happening, or that he'd even allowed you to get this far. "Put your hands behind your back. Let's see how far you can take me."
Immediately, you did as you were told, knowing that you couldn't afford to disobey him. The second your hand left him, he forced himself deep into your throat, your nose nearly brushing against his balls. You cried out against him, struggling to breathe, but he only tightened his grip on your head to keep you firmly in place. You pulled back slightly, before bringing him all the way back into your mouth, burying his cock in your throat. You sucked him like your life depended on it, which made sense, since your life actually did depend on this.
"I wonder how your supreme would feel about this. One of her own sucking off the enemy like a whore," he drawled. "It's pathetic, really. You could have chosen to keep your dignity, die with honor with the rest of your sisters. And yet..."
Your cheeks bloomed red with shame; he was right, as much as you didn't want to admit it. This was pathetic. But you were desperate; you didn't want to die. You had so many things planned for yourself. He grunted, letting go of his composure for a fraction of a second, pushing his hips forward as he kept your head locked in place. Your hands fumbled nervously behind you, clasping and un-clasping them as you focused on breathing through your nose.
His words halted and he began to fuck your face rapidly, bringing his other hand down to grab another fist full of your hair. He panted, letting out raspy moans that sounded more like inhuman growls to you. Your eyes burned, snot dripping from your nose, face prickling with humiliation as he used you so mercilessly.
His cock twitched and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing to swallow his load. To your surprise, though, he removed himself from you, looking down at you over his massive length.
"You don't get to swallow my cum."
He loosely jerked himself, parting his lips as he looked up at the ceiling. All you could see was his perfect, angular jaw and the drooling head of his cock in front of your face as his fist pumped it up and down.
It only took a few seconds of this for him to cum, and then you had his warm load all over your face. He watched your expression shift, anticipating your reaction with a cocky half-smile as his cum crudely painted your features. You reached up to wipe it away from your eyes, mouth trembling and throat aching.
He brought his hand under your chin and tilted your head up, admiring the way he'd defaced you. You could hardly bring yourself to make eye contact, too embarrassed with your actions, but you knew you had to.
"Now thank me," he said coolly.
He tucked himself neatly back into his boxers and zipped up his pants, buckling his belt noisily as he looked at you expectantly.
"Th-thank you for sparing me," you said, your voice cracked and raspy.
He raised his eyebrows at you. "Who said anything about sparing you? I still haven't decided if I'm going to let you live". His eyes glinted as he witnessed your face fall, all remaining color draining from your skin. "You're going to thank me for letting you suck my cock."
You whimpered, a fresh set of tears making way down your face and mixing into your saliva, which had already melded with Michael's cum. "M-Michael, thank you for- thank you for letting me suck your cock. Thank you, thank you-"
He rolled his eyes, reaching to grab your hair without warning; you flinched, jumping when he spoke. "Enough. I'm going to let you live. Only because it's apparent to me that your only real worth is on your knees, and therefore, you're no threat to me."
You sniffled, too afraid to wipe the back of your mouth or even blink, worrying that the smallest movement might make him change his mind.
"Truthfully I should be having you lick the bottom of my shoe to thank me for being so charitable," he said, pausing to turn over his shoulder, eyes trailing over the staircase that was visible through the opened double doors. "But I have other matters to attend to."
With one swift motion, he pulled you up forcefully by your hair and threw you to the cold ground. You laid there on your side in a heap, heart racing, looking up at this all-powerful man with fear and awe. He observed you back, tilting his head as if to admire a piece of artwork he'd created, his tongue dipping out of his mouth to run across his plump upper lip.
"We'll cross paths again, eventually," he said, turning on his heel.
Cradling your body with your arms, curling your knees up to your chest, you watched him go. He sauntered through the doorway, looking pristine and utterly untouched in his fancy clothes as if he hadn't just annihilated an entire coven of witches. Not a strand of his blond curls were out of place, and not a drop of blood had touched his porcelain skin.
You, on the other hand, were a shivering mess. You laid amongst the carnage, too weak to clean yourself off, unsure of how you'd even managed to make it out alive.
Tomorrow you'd look at yourself in the mirror, questioning the person you had become. You'd refrain from spitting at your reflection for allowing such a man to defile you, for betraying your coven. You'd tear yourself apart with guilt, wondering why there was still a tiny inkling of satisfaction hidden deep beneath your self-loathing.
You'd save that for tomorrow, though. Right now, all you wanted to do was lie still with a blank mind, images of the antichrist flickering behind your eyelids.
Hi! So as you can see there are 3 Michael Langdon stories. Tell me what other people you want stories of. The next 3 will be whatever you guys have chosen.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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