sick 【 creamy / jay 】

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I rose up from my previous position on the bed, as my boyfriend Jay walked into my bedroom, as he was over at my house taking care of me, "You really don't have too do this Jay" i said, feeling a little guilty about taking up his time,. "Well if I didn't that'd just make me a shitty boyfriend wouldn't it?" He said, his perfect smile appearing on his face, as he sat down on the bed, he held his hand up too my head before speaking, "Your temperatures gone down." He told me, handing me the glass of water he had went downstairs for earlier, I smiled tiredly at him, as I took a sip before sitting it on my nightstand.

"Here, this should bring the fever down" he said, sitting a folded, damp, and cold towel on my head, "I probably look like a Klingon from star trek huh?" I asked him, laughing lightly with him, "Prettiest Klingon I've ever seen" he said, leaning down, and kissing my cheek. "God how the hell am I supposed too make this up too you?" I asked him, "You don't have too, but I wouldn't complain if we had sex after you get better" he said, laughing as i slapped his shoulder playfully, "Even in my state all you think about it fucking" I joked, he smiled at me, "It's just a suggestion baby" he said, "I love you" I said too him, as he replied with the same three words, "I love you"

 ❝  fuck boys .  ❞ (finished)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें