Archaeological Evidence// Tom

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Ian had gotten a small crush on me while on the excavation and he was sweet and I liked him, but probably never in the way that he liked me. Annie is usually my saving grace whenever Ian tries to ask me out, but right now she's no where insight.

"I mean, you always look good. Even when you're covered in dirt and dust and only in jeans and a tank top," Ian continued to ramble on. I nodded and rubbed the side off my arm, awkwardly, trying to wipe the clammy feeling of my hands onto the long sleeves of my dress. "Wait! I'm not trying to sexualize you like that! I just mean you look great even when you're in work mode-" I know it was rude, but I stopped listening to him and let my eyes dance around the room.

The whole museum was decorated for the holidays. There was garland and lights strung up around the pillars and archways. White bunches of flowers adorned with holly was placed wherever there was an open table. Large, elaborate snowflakes spun gracefully from the ceiling and if you have a good ear, you could hear the soft tune of a piano playing in the background. My surroundings turned into white noise as my eyes met someone else in the distance, Ian's moving hands and mouth became out of focus when I continued to look pass him.

Through the sea of people who also looked like to either be enjoying the decorations or socializing, I was currently looking at the most beautiful person I've seen in ages. His dark brown eyes were locked on my gaze, his hair that almost matched his eye color was carefully gelled back, it was like he was the only thing in focus in the blur of people moving past.

"Sorry to interrupt," Annie appeared next to us, breaking me out of the trance I was in and grabbed my wrist, "but I need to borrow Y/N." Without waiting for an answer, Annie walked in the opposite direction that I was facing making me do a quick turn on my heels.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I turned my head back over my shoulder as we walked away from Ian, trying to see the guy I was looking at. But it was like once Annie appeared, he was gone. I only saw Ian standing there looking defeated, yet again. I turned my head forward again and picked up my pace to match Annie's, "Where were you?"

She dropped my wrist as we were a safe distance away from Ian and his endless persistence, "Me? Where were you? Because you obviously were not listening to Ian talk about how you look with dirt in your hair."

I shook my head and sighed as we walked under the archway that signaled the entrance to the Asian wing of the museum, "I may have had a Romeo- Juliet moment with a cute guy."

Annie rolled her eyes at me, but smiled anyway, "You might wanna find Romeo soon because I don't think Ian is going to end his idea of a chase anytime soon."

"Ugh," I groaned and rubbed my face, "why can't he see I'm not into him? And that I probably never will be?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Probably since you haven't turned him down yet, I keep swooping in to save you."

I sighed and placed my hands on the sides of my neck as we met up with Ellie who was looking at a statue of Ganesh, "I just don't want to hurt his feelings. He is a good guy."

Ellie chuckled as she turned her attention to us, joining the conversation, "But you just can't see yourself fucking him."

"Exactly!" I blurt out with my eyes wide. The girls laughed at my reaction.

"Girl, you need a drink," Ellie laughed, my reaction repeating in her mind. "And you need a hot guy on your arm."

"We need an 'Ian- repellent'." Annie chuckled to herself, proud of her joke, but then gasped, "We need Romeo!"

"Oh, Annie, no. Forget that." I folded one of my arms and leaned my elbow on my hand, placing my chin in my hand. "I didn't even recognize him. He's probably a patron or something."

Tom Holland/ Peter Parker ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ