My first week..

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I open my eyes to see myself locked into a room with two big mirrors on one wall. Two morgue tables lay infront of me I look up too see a light bulb dangling. The smell of blood and dirt fill me. I see an old grandfather clock in the corner actually pretty unique if you ask me. After a while I started panicking for help,looking for my phone, screaming. Two hours pass nothing, hot flooded tears steam down my face. "Please let me out...don't hurt me please I can give you all my money just please let me go I won't say anything to the police". My words echo in the room. I try to break free from the chains but nothing! I see everything starting to fade away like I'm going to faint. I wake up thinking what a terrible a dream and open my eyes to the same shit hole I was put in 4 freaking hours ago! The only noise I hear is the clock and my breathing.

Day one. I write in a tally mark along the dirty tile I lay in. No food no water, what am I just going to rot in here. It makes no sense, this is the worst form of torture. Weird thing is I'm not hungry or thirsty. I fall asleep again to only realize I wake up two days later. I write down on the tile how many days it has been. I realized there isn't a chain on my left hand. The excitement I grasp my fingers and kiss my hand. I brush my hands through my hair dirty bloody and I have a new smell. I look at my body and see how much dirt I have all over me. Then something clicks to me... Someone's been in here who could have took the chain off of me... More thoughts creep in, no wonder I'm not hungry someone has me drugged badly, also water. What is this why am I being locked away but being cared for. My head starts throbbing again I want to sleep again! I can't seem to stay up for more then 6 hours. I open my eyes and pinch myself to stay awake maybe my kidnapper would join me. I wake up in a meadow looking at dandelion fuzz. Someone's arm wrapped around me and the warm summer breeze dancing on my fair skin. "Babe look a rainbow" I hear a crackly voice say, I turn around to see my boyfriend Jason. I smile "I'm sorry how long was a asleep?" I ask. He just smiles not answering my question. I see him look away and the skies turn gray, the sun goes away and it gets freezing. "Jason let's go cmon please my moms probably worried sick." I hear my voice shivering to the outrageous temperature drop. "You whore, you can walk yourself home, pity shameless bitch." His voice starts raising. Oh no I get worried he always does this to me, the abusive part. "Jason I love you please don't do this don't ...hit.. Me" I whisper. He stands and smacks me, grabs me by the arm and we start walking to his red truck. "You fucking whore you don't deserve me you deserve someone who doesn't care about you! I care about you I want you to be a better person, but you ugly fat piece of shit you can't be a better person!" His voice leaves me scared. Breathe it's okay he is like this it will go away count to ten. I just don't say anything in his rage mode. He throws me into his truck and drives very fast but the wrong direction. I don't say anything I know he is just mad he will stop being mad. '

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