c h a p t e r 5

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However, on the right side, there was a deep scar, covering his entire eye.

Without warning, the son catches my glance and stares back at me. His eyes had a cold stance and held remorse and anger. We stare at each other, both not willing to blink. My eyes turn to slits. He looks at me, blank.

I turn back to my table, glancing back to the menu. I feel his eyes still on my back, watching my every move, before looking back.

"Are you ready to order yet?"

"Yeah. I'll take the..." I scan my eyes across the menu before pointing to one item. "Spicy Tsuke Niku Soba with one extra serving of soba please." She nods, scribbling my order down.

"Your order will come out in 10 minutes." She walks off to go to the kitchen.

"Why did you bring me here." His voice was deep and in a serious tone. It was as if he held no interest in his father, glaring right at him.

"Shoto. You will use your powers one day and surpass me. You will not survive with just your left side! Fullfill my dreams already! " Endeavor tells his son, pounding the table, as he breaks the silent between the two. His son doesn't answer.

Around the store, it was as if time had stopped. His exclaim to his son caused the entire store to become quiet, as if there was any noise to begin with when the hero and the prodigy entered the store.

"Here you go, miss." My order comes. There is a fragrant smell in the food as I begin to eat, slurping the noodles. The handmade noodles were chewy and was clearly crafted with professional and experienced hands.

"Are you ready to order yet?" She goes to ask the father and son. They don't look at her, instead, there was a slight tension in the air as they both glared at one another.


"Yes. I will get the same thing that the lady over there ordered." I glance at him, pointing his finger at me. We meet eye contact, his eyes still blank. I don't say a thing while I turn back to my food. The waitress nods and asks his father.

"And you, sir?"

"Nothing." He spat out, turning his head to face elsewhere . She nods silently before leaving once again. Gradually, I finish the meal and lie back on the aesthetic wooden chair. The waitress hands me the bill. I place my money and tip her for her service. I gesture her closer until her ear was near my mouth.

"Send compliments to the chef, and do you mind if I pay for his lunch?" Pointing to the prodigy son, eating his noodles in silence as his father stares down at him, she nods, a small smile creeping. I double the pay in the bill and hand it to her. Grabbing my phone from the table set in front of me, I leave the store, catching one last glance.

I take the bus home, feeling tired and full as I place my shoes in the front of the door. I stand up, ready to walk to my room, but stepped on something small, creating a small sound of a crinkle. Looking down, there was a small envelope, sealed with the official UA stamp.

Picking it up quickly, I speed walk to my room, closing the door, like it did anything. There hasn't been guests in here for years. I sit down on the chair, holding the letter with anticipation. There was a small wrinkle in the corner from where I stepped on it. Slowly, I open the letter, taking of the stamp closing it.

Peering inside, a small disk was there. With confusion, I take out the small object, looking over for anything when there was a red flashing light. I throw the disk in surprise, landing on my desk before a light emits from it.

"I am here!" All Might appears on the screen, his face up close to the camera. "Your amazing score on the written exam supported your physical test score of 113! Good job Etsuko Amachi!" He sticks a thumb up. 

Huh? I don't remember getting 113 points.

"You may be wondering where the extra points came from, but we don't judge someone just by their Quirk! We use rescue points!" He keeps smiling. "Your magnificent thinking saved two other examinees and the judges behind cameras gave you 19 extra points to your score! You are placed first which means you pass! Welcome to UA!" A smile creeps up as my heart beats with excitement.

"Plus Ultra!" The small slide ends, showing words saying how there would be another letter coming in, describing the rules, protocols, and directions for the first day in a month.

I got in.

I got in!

I jump around in excitement, a big smile showed on my face, something I haven't done in a long time. I'm going to start something new at UA, and complete my goal.

I'm so tired and lazy and I haven't slept in days.
How are you guys? I wanna see how you guys are doing.(1475 words)

Breaking Point(SLOW UPDATES)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz