"Stokeley, as you can see, I have very little time left. I need an answer as soon as possible."


I walked in after silence had ensued. I didn't want this conversation to continue any longer. My baby was supposed to stay with me. Always.

"Baby, it's almost time to go." I say quietly.

"Alright. You take care Pops. I'll see you soon."

"Alright son. You take care, and remember my favor." His father replied.

""Goodnight Mr. Goulbourne." I spoke.

No answer.

Today was the day.

This time, there was no going back. Not to the way we were before this.

Not when I woke up in the middle of the night to find Stokes side of the bed empty and a note resting in his place.

Not when I'm feeling my life shattered.


I'm sorry, but this was my father's last request of me. I talked to him on the phone before I wrote this and gave him my answer.
I know you know what I'm talking about. I know you were at the door listening in on our conversation. You wouldn't have came back sad if you hadn't.
I'll be going to the ministries in Oklahoma for the next four years. Please take care of yourself. I want you nice and pretty when I come back.
If you're ever feel sad, remember to look at our star, I'll be looking there too.
And Jaseh, pray. Pray for me, yourself, our family, friends. Just get to know God. I'll be getting to know him too.
By the time you read this, I'm probably almost there. I didn't want you to stop me, you are the only person who can. I don't want you to make me hesitate because I'll flip the world over for you.
Find someone else, a man that will love and cherish you, someone who won't leave you like I did. I'm sorry for doing this, and I'm dying inside as I write this to you.
When I get back, I'll understand if you don't want to be together anymore. Who would want to be with a man who would leave them without notice?
I love you Jaseh. I love you with every part of my heart and I'd die for you. But I have to fulfill my father's last, dying wish. I hope you understand.
I love you so so much. And I'm sorry.

-Stokeley. (Out now💀💀💀🔥)

I couldn't believe it. All I had done for this man, all the love I've given, wasted.

Depression took over me and I couldn't help but get into bad habits.

2 years after after Stokeley left me. College had started, but with so much grief, I couldn't do it.

I dropped out.

"Give me your purse!" I yell at the cowering lady. She was frightened and didn't look like she'd give her purse up, so I snatched it out of her grasp.

I changed allot in so little time. I dyed my hair blue, cuz it grew out a little and I wanted to rid myself of my past. I got tattoos, face ones too. They hurt at first but after that, you just ignore the pain. Just like one of my face tats. I'm numb.

I couldn't work because of my tattoos though, so I started getting low on funds. I was in the middle of timing that right now.

I had the gun pointed to the woman's temple as I digged through her purse, looking for her wallet and anything else of value.

But then I heard the first siren.

She looked as if she had just been saved, but panicked when she say me give her the deadliest glare possible.

"What the fuck did you do?" I sneered.

"I-I did nothing! My mom was on the phone with me and I didn't have the time t-to hang up before you bombarded me!" She yelled.

I cursed as I got up, running out of the dark alley to see that I was too late. Police cars had already surrounded me, guns aimed with trained profession.

I sighed in defeat while raising my hands in the air.

I wonder how Stokeley's doing.

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