"Oh, my dear boy!" Miriam exclaimed upon seeing the boy, completely missing the girl next to him in her excitement. "Look at you! You're skin and bones, you're wasting away! Don't these people feed you?"

"I'm fine!" he assured her. He beamed at Eve and looked to Miriam again, "Miss Mead, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

She gaped as she finally noticed the blonde standing next to him. She quickly regained herself and smiled. The girl by his side radiated darkness. "Your father sent you a gift."

"Not quite." Eve said, taking a moment to look up at the strawberry blonde by her side before turning back to the woman in front of him, "There was a second prophecy. Mine. I'm not a gift, but more of an eternal companion, a soulmate so to speak."

"Hail Satan!" she rejoiced, truly happy for her boy. "You've found your one."

Michael smiled at how well they got along. But there were other matters to pay attention to. "Did you take care of the problem?" he asked.

"The problem is now a stack of over cooked country barbecue. They can bury him in a shoebox if they can find him." Eve liked Miss Mead. The two would find common ground in their disgust for the warlocks.

"Good." Michael said, "These people are the only ones who could pose a threat to me." His expression grew more serious as he continued to speak. "Once I become Supreme, I can destroy them from within, eliminate their whole fucking coven. Then the road will be clear for me to do what I was born to do."

"So stop worrying." Miriam said bluntly. "Look at how easy it was for you to win their trust, to get into their school. They may be wizards, but they're not exactly wizzes. Everything is going beautifully."

"I still have to pass the Seven Wonders."

Eve scoffed. "You'll pass."

"You will own the Seven Wonders," Miss Mead agreed, "and then all of their covens, and then the whole world."

"What would I do without you two?" He brought them in for a hug.

"That's something you'll never have to worry about." Mead said. "And the best part is, I'm not the only one who's got your back."

She wasn't referring to Eve. When she heard the sound of breaking branches and dead leaves she took a step behind Michael and backed into the shadows to hide as quickly and quietly possible. He couldn't know she existed. He'd jump to conclusions, think that she's a witch – a threat.

"He knows about John Henry." It was Ariel Augustus.

"He does?"

"Just dont talk about your father."

"You think we'd let that fool blow our chance to have our own Supreme?"


The Seven Wonders test had snuck up on them fast. Eve had promised to be there, whether it meant hiding in the shadows or entering his mind.

She watched him effortlessly perform the first six. Telekinesis had been child's play. Conculium came natural to him so it was no wonder that he could make Zoe and Madison dance. Transmutation was no problem either; he'd done it before when being tested by the warlocks. Divination was too easy. It took only seconds for him to find the pocket watch. Pyrokinesis was by far the easiest – it was natural to those of his blood. Vitalum Vitalis wasn't easy for hellbound creatures like them, yet he made it seem so simple.

ROOTS | MICHAEL LANGDON | AHS: APOCALYPSE Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя