Chapter 12

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I never knew how it broke me down in pieces, wasn't aware I would be this daring to place my head on his chest and hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. Too calm and soothing. Most of all, I never knew I would wake up with his arms tied tightly around my body as I struggled to leave him.

You cannot be with him.

Why don't you understand the simple Math, Sanjana?

His world was scary, the people he engaged with wouldn't care to dismiss me with the flick of their finger and with time, he would see how wrong his decision had been. I was too damaged to be with him anymore. I was too lost to see him anymore. Just this last trip and I would tear myself from him, push him out of my life and behave I never knew him.

I would leave the city.

I would go as far away from him as possible.

"You are awake," He mumbled sleepily, turning his head to the side, a small smile hung on his lips. "Did you have a good sleep?"

More than anyone can imagine.

Too good, too peaceful.

A warm thumb rested on my cheek, tracing the unknown lines as I peered into his eyes. Too stern yet too soft. Too distracting yet captivating. Why I had to meet him? Why I tried to defy him that night? Why I was leaning my lips closer to his?

"Arnav," I whispered lightly.

He hummed, his one hand brushing the curve of my waist and instead of breaking his actions, I leaned into him, curving my body against his, running my hand to his neck and felt the pulse. His skin was hard and rough, his eyes were vulnerable, his lips parted in a small smile.

"I have never slept with anyone besides me."


His eyes crinkled under the soft lighting of the room. "I don't share beds, mon amour."


That made things complicated.


"Does everything in this world need an explanation?" Yes, when it included you and me, everything needed explanation. "I love you." Don't say that when I was going to break your heart like always. "Can you for a second forget everything?"



His thumb restricted the movements, his hand didn't make any other circle, and at last, his lips joined mine, too hesitant and scared. He didn't move. I didn't move.

Forget everything for a second.

And I did.

My hand grabbed his neck.

I forgot everything for a second, and remembered his touch, his lips against mine, and his body on top of me.

Forget everything for a second.

And all I remember was him.

Just him.

Always him.

We shouldn't have done that.

That's the first thought I had after two days, pondering about the fact how I had kissed him as if I had been starving for his touch and mouth, how I had forgotten all my boundaries and the incident and let him touch me.

The Things We Love and Loseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें