Ch 4

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Ch 4

I had a heck of a headache when I woke up, at first I panicked because I didn’t know where I was, I started to get up but felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, scared that it was a kidnapper or something I grabbed his wrist and threw him over my shoulder and the mystery person landed with a satisfying thud, I scream out, “Why is it so dark!?!” and I hear a boy groan, “Open your eyes genius.” then I opened my eyes and realized I threw Leo and Z was sitting next to me taking a water from Austin who was chuckling,I was muttering some well known curse words in slovenien(thanks dad!) then said to Leo, “What the heck was that for! and what are you guys doing in my house and wheres my dad, and why does my head hurt so much?” Leo makes a huge overly dramatic scene of getting up off the floor, then after he was done of being a total drama queen said, “If you get up too fast you’ll be sick,and how was I to know you would freak out like that, second you two passed out on your doorstep last night so we are here making sure you didn’t die on us and to answer your last question, you're dad came home and after we explained what happened he gave us some specific rules then he headed to DC to do some business at the Pentagon and when you uh fainted you hit your head against the doorframe and when I uh caught you I kinda dropped you.” I sigh and said, “Ok, first of all, if you can’t see and someone is holding you down, what would you do, and secondly, last night that..that..thing was gripping my shoulder, and look there are 5 bloody marks there, that's enough to freak someone out, and that's payback for dropping me then.” and then I got up and made some breakfast for all of us, cooking calmed me down. I made egg omelettes and bacon, I then poured four glasses of orange juice then yelled, “Come in here guys!” and then the boys ran in and Leo came with a vacuum cleaner and Austin had a potted plant and Z had her shoe, and Leo said “Where's the bad guy?” I just stare at them and said, “You brought a vacuum,a plant and a shoe to protect me in case there was a bad guy?” they nodded and I just shook my head, then I said, “There's no bad dude, I just made us breakfast, while you guys eat I’ll get changed, but if any of you touch my food I will hurt you!” and I pointed my wooden spoon at them threatening and then went upstairs, I put on jean shorts and a black T-shirt, I ran down to find Austin and Leo fighting over my omelette, I whistled at them like they were dogs and said, “What are you doing with my omelette?” they stare down guiltily and I just walked over and ate my food, when we were all done we went to the sitting room and Austin asked, “So, what are we going to do today?” we just stared off into space wondering what were we going to do,

“The movies?” I shake my head, there were too many scary movies in my life without having to watch any,

“The park?”

“NO!” Z and I both scream, leo looks at us and said,

Why do you hate the the park?”

“.....Bad experience.” Z and I say, the boys just stare at us and then Z suggests, “How about the mall?” I groaned, I HATE the mall, but it's better than being in here with all those bad shadow dudes, so I said, “Fine...but no Hollister, they’re evil!” at this comment we all burst out laughing.

We are all got ready and left to walk to the mall, the boys went into the shoe store and Z dragged me into the girls department, there she got a pair of jeans, a couple tops, some shoes and a dress and some makeup, I got a pair of jeans, a few tops and a green hoodie, Z forced me to buy a green dress and some makeup, after we all met up again we ran into the twins, they were in the glitzy sparkly makes-me-puke store, when they saw the boys they checked their hair and makeup and then walked out and said in their high pitched annoying voices, “Oh funny seeing you here, it's such a small world!” the boys just raise their eyebrows and said, “UM no it's just a weekend and this is the only mall in town.” and the girls just smiled and giggled at them and grabbed their arms, I was swearing fluently now, so was Z but in italian. The boys turned around, seeing that we were about to rip the girls’ throats out and took us by our arms and Austin said, “Well this has been fun, but come on ladies, we need to go eat, I’m starving!” the twins glare at us but then put on fake smiles and said, “Oh you don’t have to bother those two...boring girls, we could eat with you guys instead.” the boys said, “We could all eat together at the food court.” I was shaking my head vigorously no but when the girls just turned around i smiled and said with a forced smile,”I don’t know if we have the time, my dad was expecting us.” Leo looked confused and said, “But you're dad-” Z cut him off with a painful elbow to the ribs, the twins could sense our discomfort and smiled like little devils and said, “We would be delighted to have lunch with you four.” I sighed and put on a way too cheery smile and we all left for the food court, I was allergic to soy sauce so I can’t have chinese food, but the oh so perfect twins had to say, “We are on a strictly chinese diet, so can we go there?” Austin and Leo shrug, I send Z a pleading look, I told her my problem before, she speaks up, “Um I don’t really like the noodles, how about we go to another place, you guys can go a day without the diet.” the girls narrow their eyes and say, “But the doctor says we have to have chinese food at least once a day.” and Mckelia looked like she was going to cry, Austin pats her shoulder to calm her down and Z looks like she’s going to incinerate Mckeila with her intense glare, I shake my head and say, “Well can’t you eat it for dinner, I can’t have chinese food.” they stare at me and Tyra says in fake innocent voice, they knew, “We have fish for dinner, and can’t you just suck it up for one day and have a food you don’t like, the world doesn't revolve around you!” I just stare at her, that made me angry and I said, “I know it doesn’t revolve around me but do you know that!” and then she did a awful thing, she slapped me and said, “Don’t you dare talk to me that way you poorly dressed witch!” I just stare at her and say, “Well, don’t you dare insult me you orange faced clown!” Tyra starts to fake tear up and Leo says to me in a disappointed voice, “That was low Lev,” and puts his arm around Tyra, willing myself not to look hurt, I say, “If you all want to have your stinkin chinese fine!” and then I stormed off, I go into a slovenian store and see all of the familiar places in paintings, this middle aged woman comes to me as I was staring at a painting, and she says, “What do you see when you see this painting?” and I study it some more and say, “Me.” and she chuckles and says, “I knew the lady in this painting, she was my best friend, her name was Emilia, we had great adventures in Slovenia.” I stare at her and say, “That was my mothers name, and she looks just like the lady in this painting,” the lady studies me and says, “That is your mother, it was so devastating when I heard the news.” I nodded and asked,”Could you tell me about your adventures?” she goes and sits on a chair and I sit on the couch next to her, she offers a plate of kroffe, which I gladly accepted, I hadn’t had lunch yet that day, the lady who says I should call her Paula, tells me about how they first met. I sit and listen for about an hour before I start to hear this loud banging and someone yelling my name, I sigh and thank the lady for the stories, she just smiled and said, “Come by anytime, I could always use the company.” I smiled back at her and walked out and yelled, “WHAT!” at the boys who were being chased by a furious Z and they crashed into me, I was at the bottom, laying on my stomache, Leo was on top of me and Austin was on him and Z was standing in front of us looking like an angry mom, I yell in a muffled voice, “GET..OFF..NOW!” and the boys scrambled to get off of me and Leo tried to help me up, but I ignored him. Z was telling the boys about how running in the halls is bad when we hear this familiar voice say, “Oh there you are Leo-kins!” I look up at Tyra running toward Leo, he yelps and hides behind me and when she sees him hiding behind me she gets right in front of me and says, “I thought I got rid of you at lunch witch!” I was tired of taking her crap so I cross my arms and said, “Excuse me!” and Z and Austin snickered at that and Tyra just scoffed and said, “get out of my way, my future husband is behind you.” and Leo said, “Don’t I get a say in this?” and we both look at him and yell, “NO!” and then I turn back to Tyra and say, “Nobody in their right mind would ever want to marry you, because you are self centered and snooty you don’t care about the person you just care if their cute or they have money, and you don’t deserve to have Leo as your boyfriend!” and then I turned on my heel and walked away.

The others caught up to me as I was walking out the door, and Leo tried to talk to me but I still ignored him, I was still mad that he would take her side over his friends, Austin probably saw that Leo wanted to talk to me so to cause less of a distraction towards me he took Bell to get ice cream, now Leo and I were walking by the grand fountain in the park when he said, “why won’t you tell me what's wrong?” I stop and turn around, eyes blazing in anger, said to him in a bitter voice, “You already know what's wrong, doesn’t my friendship mean anything to you!” and tears are trying to escape my eyes, Leo just stands there silently looking at his feet, I sat on the fountain’s edge, and I wait for him to explain, I told him at lunch on my first day I was allergic to soy sauce while we were playing 20 questions, he’s still staring at the ground and I yell at him, “Tell me!” and he just looks up with an expression of pure hatred, he said in a deep voice, “Because I like her better than you and she shouldn’t have to change her ways just because you are too stupid to just eat without us, but no, you are afraid of being alone so you tried to talk me and the darling Tyra out of eating at the place she wanted to go.” I couldn’t believe my ears, he sounded like a different person and then...He walked up to me and he hit me in the jaw, I started to cry now and I did the only thing I could think of, I whispered, “I thought I was your friend.” and then I ran, I didn’t know where I was going, as long as it was as far away from him as possible, I heard Leo call my name, I looked behind me and saw he was running after me, I was about to turn a corner when my foot got caught in a small pothole and it felt like I twisted it, I tried to get up but I fell down again, fan-flippin-tastic.

Leo finally caught up to me and grabbed my arms, I flinched and I whispered in the coldest voice I could come up with, “Get away from me.”

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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The Lioness and the Beautyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें