Chapter 2

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    " When do you want a baby?" Carma asked.

It was silence all you could hear was the heavy breathing of Carma waiting on his reply.

" Im not ready " is what he finally managed to get out. He walked away leaving Carma alone. She didn't say anything. She was thinking about how she could have a kid and when.

It was hours when Carma figured the plan. She thought about adopting , cheating and a sperm donater. But , she then came across the most devilish plan. It would be easy but wrong. She didn't care she wanted a child one way or another she would get it.

So , she began to work. She went shopping for the sluttiest thing she could find. She some skin tight blue jean shorts and a half shirt that was blue with the words love. She looked like a young slutty teenager. But that is what she wanted.

She went home and she began THE PLAN.

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