"I think he did. Come quick, we have to find him before he does something foolish!" Enjolras said grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the café. "You go check the apartment, I'll find Eponine. Maybe she knows where he is." Enjolras said letting my hand go. I nodded and headed in the direction of our apartment.

"Marius!" I called as I burst through the door to the apartment. I went over to Marius room and opened the door. I looked around the room and it was nearly empty! What on earth is he doing? I thought to myself. Enjolras, I needed to find Enjolras. I ran out of the apartment and in the direction Enjolras went when we separated to look for Marius. I ran until Enjolras came into view, he was standing talking to Eponine.

"Enjolras!" I called to get his attention, both he and Eponine turned to look at me. "His things are basically gone from his room." I said out of breathlessly.

"Eponine, have you any idea where he is going?" Enjolras said turning back to Eponine. She thought for a moment.

"No, but I think I have an idea, I will go and see and come find you guys at the café when I know." She said before taking off in the opposite direction. Enjolras and I made our way back to the café to finish helping the boys prepare.

(Marius P.O.V)

I was packing the things I would need for Cossette and I to leave later tonight. These past few days I have tried avoiding both Enjolras and Valerie. I would come home after they had gone to bed, and would make sure to be up and out of the house before they woke up the next morning. I just couldn't bear to face them, and see the disappointment in their eyes when I would tell them that I was leaving the revolution because I had fallen for someone. I was filling one of the last trunks I needed when the door to the apartment burst open.

"Marius!" I heard Valerie call from the main room. I quickly looked around my room for somewhere to hide. I crouched down in the wardrobe, closing the door. And waited until she left. I heard her open my bedroom door, and I could see her standing in my room through a crack in the door. Suddenly the feeling of guilt rushed through my body. I did not want to leave Valerie behind. She is my best friend, and like a sister to me. But I know that she will be in good hands with Enjolras to care for her.

Once Valerie had left the apartment again, I climbed out of the wardrobe finished packing up the last few things I needed. I was closing up the last trunk when I heard a knock at the door. I figured it wouldn't be Enjolras or Valerie, because this was their home too. They wouldn't knock on their own door. I quietly made my way over to the door and opened it a crack to see who it was. I saw Eponine standing there soaking wet.

"Eponine! Thank goodness it's you" I said.

"I have something to tell you" She said seriously.

"Yes, of course! What is it?" I looked at her eyes.

"It's Cossette, she and her father are gone." Eponine said and my heart dropped.

"No, this can't be!" I said as I rushed out of the apartment.

(Valerie's P.O.V)

The final night had come, everyone was buzzing about the room, some cleaning rifles and muskets, while others melted down the cups and plates we had collected over time, to make bullets so that we would have enough ammunition to last us. I looked around the room at all the excitement that was displayed on everyone's face. Even Grantaire had a smile. I walked over to sit next to him at the bar.

"You look stressed Mademoiselle, here has some of this to calm your nerves." He smiled at me and handed me his bottle. I gladly took it and took a big gulp of the red substance that was in the green bottle.

"Thank you Grantaire!" I smiled back at him as I returned his bottle to him before getting up to go and stand next to the open window at the front of the café. I looked down to see Enjolras walking down the street talking to the people that had gathered outside as he made his way to the entrance of the café.

"One more day before the storm!" He said looking around at everyone. "At the barricades of freedom! Will you take your place with me?" He shouted before running up the stairs to the second floor of the café. I turned to face him as he stood at the top of the stairs smiling at me. I smiled slightly before hugging my arms around myself and looking down.

"What's wrong Valerie, everything couldn't be going better, everyone is ready to stand with us!" He said placing his hands on either side of my shoulders.

"Not everyone." I said quietly.

"Marius had made his choice." Enjolras said sternly.

"Yes, but he could have at least said good-bye!" I said tears starting to form in my eyes. How could he do this, after everything just to abandon us with-out a word. I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was sadness or anger, but all I know is right now I was worried for Marius. I looked up at Enjolras as he looked down at me with concerned eyes. I leant up and gave him a quick kiss before he ran off to help the boys.

"One day to a new beginning, raise the flag of freedom high!" The started to chant.

"Every man will be a king, there is a new world for the winning" Courfeyrac and Combeferre said as they began to clean some of the guns. I watched as they were all hard as work, Enjolras running around the room making sure everyone was doing what was needed before he, himself began to help clean the weapons. I walked over to the table placing my hand on Enjolras' shoulder, he looked up and smiled at me before continuing what he was doing.

We heard thundering steps coming up the stairs and everyone looked up to see what the commotion was to find Marius standing at the top holding a red flag high above his head.

"My place is here, I fight with you!" He said breathlessly. Enjolras and I looked at each other in shock. A huge smile spread across my face, as I ran over to him wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug.

"You came back! I am so happy to see you, Marius! Never do that to me again!" I said squeezing him tighter. When we pulled apart I smiled up at him again ad Enjolras came to stand next to me, as smile spread across his lips as well.

"I'm so glad you're back Marius!" He said pulling him into a hug.

"Tomorrow, we'll discover what God in heaven has in store." Enjolras said when the pulled apart and made his way to the front of the room to stand next to the window so he could address everyone in the room as well as the crowd on the street.

"One more dawn! One more day! ONE DAY MORE!" Everyone cheered.

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