Morning Adventure

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Ais awoke groggily with a headache, although her Level 5 status helped her against many things, hangovers were not one of them. She noticed her left arm stuck underneath something and as her vision cleared a mop of white hair came into view. Instantly her adventurer senses kicked in as she prepared for a fight but it went away as soon as she saw what was in front of her.

A white-haired boy was sleeping peacefully on top of her arm with him being slightly snuggled into it. He had a small smile on his lips as he peacefully let out cute little snores, his cheek was tainted with a slight hue of red giving him more of a child-like innocence. Her face started to heat up after noticing how close the boy and she gently stroked his hair with her free hand and was surprised by how smooth and relaxing it was. She realized what she was doing after about ten minutes and stopped her caressing with a beet-red face.

She gently slipped her hand from under the snoozing boy so as not to wake up; she decided he was harmless, and ignoring the annoyed feeling she had at the loss of comfort, she tried to remember what had last happened. She remembered her Goddess insisting on her having a drink, ordering food and then getting really heavy headed before leaving the bar only to collide into someone. It was just like the last time she was...drunk.

She noticed she was still wearing the clothes she had worn to the bar and sighed as it only confirmed her suspicions, Loki. Ais got changed into a set of her usual white clothing and with one last look at the peacefully sleeping body of the boy, she left the room.

Unknownst to her, a red-faced Bell Cranel was having troubles breathing. He had woken up at the same time Ais had started undressing and it had taken every bit of strength in him to keep his eyes shut. He was probably already on the Loki Familia's hit list, no need for another offense.


The Loki Familia's most elite members were awoken early in the morning by a distraught Lefiya. Gareth, Riveria, and Finn all stumbled out of their rooms rubbing their eyes as Lefiya sat crying at their feet. Finn looked at the crying elf girl with concern, Gareth looked disinterested and Riveria just seemed annoyed.

"Lefiya, what's wrong?" Finn asked, the only of the trio who showed even a shred of care towards the Level 4 Adventurer. "M-m-m-miss A-aiz!" Lefiya tried through tears to form a sentence but it wasn't possible and she broke into long, ugly sobs. From the condition of her eyes, it seemed she had been crying all night.

"Is this about the boy?" Riveria asked with absolutely no concern, she had grown used to her friend's daughter coming to her crying whenever a matter with Ais Wallenstein was concerned. So what if Ais had shown some sympathy or kindness to another being, she didn't care.

At the mention of a boy, Gareth and Finn looked at Riveria with a little more interest. Anything was better than a crying girl right after waking up.

Noticing the gazes of her fellow members, she retold the events that had taken place at the gate and how she suspected Loki to be behind it then she explained how she had told him and Lefiya to take Ais to her room and left.

"THAT'S THE PROBLEM!" Lefiya roared from every inch of her body. She got up from the floor and continued, "MISS AIZ TOOK THE BOY TO HER ROOM AND LOCKED THE DOOR!"

"I would be more worried for the boy." Riveria calmly spoke, the confused looks from everyone present made her explain, "Ais is a Level 5 Adventurer, the boy probably isn't even Level 2. Ais was drunk beyond all saving, I'd be surprised if she didn't cuddle him to death. I don't suspect either of them to try anything, honestly."

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT WITH SUCH CONVICTION!?" Lefiya yelled recovering from another sobbing fit. The thought of Miss Ais cuddling someone to sleep made her want to blow the entire place up and the fact that it seemed Miss Riveria somewhat trusted the boy was unimaginably infuriating.

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