the kingdom of Skool

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sorry about the meh collab with aphskawiigurl but  turns out were both horrible  at  getting ideas so yea,  but  here's something  to keep you interested 

Once upon a time in a time in a land far far away where there were teacher guards at every corner. I would hear screams every day coming from the Detention Chamber who ruled it you may ask THE PRINTABLE she was mean she was bad she was the ruler of the school if one would talk to her she would rarely let them live most would be handcuffed and escorted by............................... .............THE VICE PRINTABLE she had glasses on her nose and eyes and her hair was silver white, every day we had to do a horrid type of labor  "school work" a horrid thing I tell                     you, students would have work for hours nonstop and they only had one break in the middle of the day called lunch named after the  PRINTABLE's  cousin the Lunch ( i didn't bold or  cap locks it because lunch is pretty good 8D )   then out of nowhere a new law came in  we were free !!!!!!!!!!!!! every 6 years you're PRINTABLE  would change as I kissed the ground as I remembered that the PRINTABLE  has only been here for four years.......

sorry for the wait up but we also have skool  and  a  bad Ideas  ( yeas I has bad ideas) 

but have a great day my wattpaders 8D

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