Day One

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I walk into one of the many offices in the large building. I set up my things getting ready for the day. Looking out the large window I could see the whole city. I was just high enough that I could actually see my apartment from my window. Which is kinda a nice perk since my apartment is on the sketchy part of town. But, home is home.

Once I get to work I see a boy with black hair walk past my office window. For a moment I raise a brow. But, then I go right back to work. I know for a fact that Mr. Asuka has visiter every now and then for business. But, someone like seems like they're here for something else.

My office phone goes off and I quickly pick up to here Mr. Asuka, "Y/N, could you come here for a moment. I want you to meet someone real quick," He said with a hint of joy in his voice.

"Sure, I'll be there in a moment," I answered then hung up the phone.

As I walk to his apartment/office I feel something dark fall over me. It was like a blanket that covered me. As I got closer the feeling got heavier and heavier.

As I walked through the door my eyes me with the black-haired man's and I got a flash of something that I haven't seen before. It was a devil covered in blood painting but also crying. The sight astounded me and I stepped back a bit when the image faded. The black-haired man looked at me worried as Mr. Asuka walked over with a cup of something. "Miss L/N? Are you ok?" Mr. Asuka said as I walked backward a bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine just a bit hungry I guess," I said softly as the black-haired man walked over to me.

"I'm sorry if I startled you. My name is Akira." He said with a kind smile.

I smiled back at him then looked at Ryo for an explanation. "Oh! He's a friend of mine you'll see him around here a lot. I guess I should have told you that before you started, huh?"

"That's good to know. I-um I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Akira," I said smiling and held out my hand for him to shake.

When he shakes my hand another vision plays in front of me. This time it's something beautifully strange. I saw white feathers around something that I couldn't really make out. Next to the pure mass Akira crying. That was all I saw before it faded into nothing.

"You've got quite the gift there," Akira said surprised.

"Um, thank you." I looked over at Ryo who was still a little shocked at the image that he saw. "What's the matter, Mr. Asuka?" He shook his head then smiled at me.

"I told you, you don't have to call me that. Ryo is fine."

"O-oh! S-sorry." Akira laughed a bit and clapped Ryo on the shoulder.

"She's almost as shy as you." Both Ryo and I blushed softly. "See, just like you."

"Alright, Akira lets get back to business." Akira cleared his throat.

"Right," he said as he looked over at me. "Could you keep an eye on the building while Ryo and I are out."

"Sure, will you be out long?" I asked them innocently.

"We don't know," Ryo answered. "If you want you can stay in the guest room in here. It's the one just up the stairs to the right." I nodded my head as they left. Then I looked around and smiled.

"This place could be cleaned a bit."

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