••One More Problem••

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"A pen?" I stared up at Ross curiously.

He shrugged. "I guess it's some evidence, right? After all, that little piece of plastic could lead is right to where the kidnapper is."

"I wouldn't count on that," Brady stated as he held both the pen and the gold necklace in his hand.

"Yes, he's right. We need more evidence than just this to catch the criminal. For all we know this could be your aunt's pen that the baby was playing with when she was taken. And what about this gold necklace?" Alex asked.

"That was mine," I remarked quietly.

"Was yours?" Brady said.

"Yes. Ross gave it to me in 2013, the day it was made and a few days before we had Cally. He told me to give it to our first child. I did so when she was born."

"Hm, I see," the black haired investigator, Brady, examined the piece of jewelry. "How queer..."


"From what I see on Alex's pad, you two have been married two years, is that correct?" Brady's voice became stern and suspicious, making me nervous.

"Y-yes," Ross replied.

"Well, the locket was dated when it was made, and it was made November 20th, 2011," his eyes slowly looked at me. "You said he gave it to you the day it was made?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Ross became a bit defensive, but I could tell he had a scared look in his eyes.

"Mr. Lynch, I'm a trained investigator who has been in the force for 13 years. It's not hard for me to put two and two together," Brady replied.

"I-I still don't know what your talking about," Shor said as he squeezed my hand.

"Sir, your--erm--wife, said that she received the locket in 2013 the day it was made. Also a few days before she had your daughter. BUT the locket revealed the date to being made in 2011. Alex's notepad says that you were married only two years," Brady explained swiftly and confidently.

I think Ross was confused as much as I was because both of us just stared in bewilderment.

"Brady, your not an interrogator. Plus we have to get going," he patted his partners back, "we'll be back tomorrow, if you could leave things as they are in here. That'd be great. Thank you."


"What the hell was that all about!?" I shrieked at Ross after the men had left.

"I'll tell you in a minute," he dragged me upstairs and slammed the guest bedroom door.

"Okay. Okay, Ross," I said calmly, "now are you going to tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH YOU?!"

"Charlie! Calm down! Sit down and I'll explain," he said sharply.

I quickly sat down and looked at him, anticipating his explanation for is insane behavior.

"You know we aren't married, right?"

"Well that's a monumental conclusion!" I said sarcastically.

"CHARLIE! Listen!" he snapped, getting a bit annoyed, "we aren't married and we have a biological child. Therefore, we had s*x. And doing that under the age of 18 is considered rape."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, not really looking forward to the answer.

"If they ever find out about us not being married and having s*x under age, I could go to prison."

Oh dang! Sucks for you, Ross. Well, pay attention to Brady's theory in this, because if you don't, the next few chapters ahead aren't gonna make sense. I did look it up, and it is considered rape if you have sex under the age of 18, aw damn. Oh well, who thinks Ross is gonna hit the big house?

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