Corey will never truly love you

He only wants to have sex cause he can't with Devyn right now

You might as well kill yourself no one would care Corey's hasDevyn Aaron's has buddy jakes has gabby Colby has sam heath has Zane and I have nobody I can call my own I grab my razor

One for being gay

One for Corey not ever loving me

Two for everytime I think about Corey
Cuts twice

Four for being worthless
Cuts three times

Nine for being fat
Cuts nine times

All the blood is rushing together down my arm I start crying harder I rinse in the running water of the shower then I get out wrap it up and throw on my send it hoodie and black jeans I walk out of the bathroom and run out the door before Corey could stop me I walk out of the hotel and pull out my cigarettes and put my cancerous friend between my lips again I start to smoke then I see the door open I figure it was another smoker coming to smoke so I didn't even bother to look I watch car by car pass me by not give me any thought to this person I wanted to cry don't want this person to see me cry so I don't look at them as tears run down my face next thing I know my cigarette is ripped out of my mouth by someone behind me

"What hell dude" I turn to be face to face with Corey a tear still running down my face I wipe it fast in hopes he wouldn't see it

"I could say the same this shit will kill you" he says getting angry

"And What If I want to die"

"I can't lose you to this Elton you know my history with cigarettes" he says the anger turn into sadness his mom just died of cancer two years ago he wipes the tear that just formed in his eye threatening to pour out and said

"Sam,Colby,Aaron and Jake want to go out to dinner with us to Celebrate"

"Yeah lets go"

"Good because I am starving"

We get in the car I'm driving Corey is in the passenger seat he puts his hand on my leg i ignore him


I say nothing



"Elton talk to me I'm your best friend"

"No your not a best friend doesn't use you for sex"

"Elton don't be like this come on"

"We're here" i pull over and gets out Corey follows behind I knock on the door sam opens it with Aaron Jake and Colby behind him

"Hey are you guys ready to go"

"Yeah let's go" they all say we pile in and head off

Colby's POV

I'm in the back in the middle between Jake and Sam, Aaron is in the trunk Corey is the front seat and Elton is driving Elton was paying attention to the rode and Corey was staring at him the way I stare at sam there is something going between them I can feel it Corey looks at Elton with lust and love in his eyes

"So Corey are you and Devyn still together" if he says no I will know somethings up

"Yea but we're fight" he looks guilty

"Can I as what about"

"Remember that prank me and jake just pulled on her"


"Well she's mad at me about that"

"It was pretty messed up that was her favorite bag of makeup"

"I didn't know"

"Yeah so Elton how are you doing you know with coming out and all that"

"Um ok I met this cute dude but he's sadly in a relationship with someone else and I'm pretty sure he's straight"

"Well maybe if you would talk to him he could explain" Corey cuts in sounding annoyed now I KNOW somethings up

"Yea Is he really worth hurting you if he doesn't see how amazing you are then he's making a mistake" i cut in just to piss Corey off

"Maybe he sees he just can't fix his situation right now" Corey says

"Guys I'm not that amazing" I feel sam kick my leg I get a text

fiancé✖️😍💍: are you cheating on me with Elton

Me:of course not baby I love you and only you I'm just trying to be a good friend

Fiancé✖️😍💍: ok baby I trust you are we gonna tell them tonight.....

3:00am-Eltorey (COMPLETED) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن