Danny nodded slowly poking it. Then it jumped at him. "Gah!" He shouted standing up. Jazz wacked the now living food with a plate. It splattered against the wall. "Mom! Dad! Did you cook with ectoplasm again?!" The 2 parents nodded. "Uuurgg! This is Christmas all over again! Come on Danny we're getting a burger from Nasty's."

Danny pulled away from Jazz. "No thanks I'm not hungry." She nodded. "Ok but if you get hungry then let me know." She emphasized the me part of the statement. Danny smiled and nodded.

Danny ran into his room and ripped his shirt off. He threw it to the side and let out a cough. What was this? This was awful for him! Allergic reaction to what? A new soap or something in the air.

He didn't know how long he was in there on the floor but he heard his parents call out saying they were going out. He remembered the moon! He tried to change. "Going ghost!"

The ring appeared but it disappeared. "Huh?" He tried two, three, now four times to go ghost. Nothing happened. Was what his parents said true?

He stumbled into the basement. He looked at his reflection. He looked bad. He had electricity sparking around him. His hair was a clash of pitch black and pearl white. One eye was blue while the other was green.

He activated the portal and ran in without a second thought. The second he was in the pain disappeared. The electricity was still cracking around him unfortunately.

He flew around going to Frostbite but took. Moment to rest. Not having his natural flying abilities meant his human side was working double time to get him moving around.

"You're here?" Jonny 13 walked over to him. Starring at the electricity. Kitty hit Jonny. "Jonny don't stare! It's rude!" Danny looked at the couple.

Holy shit! Jonny and Kitty had giant scrapes on there faces so deep the cheek bones were exposed. A bone was sticking out of Jonny's side and Kitty had a piece of metal lodged in her side.

"He's starring!" Jonny countered. "Because he doesn't know better. You do!" She yelled at him. "What don't I know?" Danny asked.

Kitty sat next to him. "Well when the blood moon happens and the moon is 15% bigger. Which only happens once every few decades. All the ghosts show how they died. No doubt you saw us. And yourself." Danny nodded.

"Umm not to be rude or anything but what about that?" He pointed to the metal sticking out of her. "I don't notice that. It doesn't hurt in the ghost zone. In the human world it would. That's probably why you're here."

Danny nodded. "What about you said no starring to Jonny?" Jonny sat on the other side of Danny. "Listen, this is an extraordinary soar subject for some. Not all, but some. So don't go starring at them making em more self conscious about how they died. Unless they are willing to talk about it. Glancing is one thing we all do to see how they died but starring is different."

Danny looked at Jonny. It was hard not to stare. The gash on his face went up to his eye. "Can you talk about it?" Jonny let out a noise. "What ever. Me and Kitty died in a motorcycle accident. My neck was broken at impact but Kitty died on her way to the hospital. You?"

Danny now realized how awkward it was explaining his own death. "I was wondering around my parents basement and I decided to walk into the ghost portal and accidentally turned it on when I was inside. I was electrocuted."

Kitty nodded. "How old were you?" Danny looked at her. "14 I'm 15 now."

Young Blood came out from no where. "Danny my man! Another kid! He accidentally fell on Danny but pushed himself off. "So ya got yourself electrocuted?" Danny nodded.

"Young Blood!" Kitty scolded. "Danny I figured it only fair you know how I died as well." Danny observed Young Blood.

His eyes were sunken in and he was paler than normal. It looked like he was sweating and his voice was cracky and waivers a lot. He was also thin as twig. The boy had a certain araura of hopelessness around him.

"Sickness." Danny whispered. "Yeah, not as cool as dying in a sword fight or rounding up some wild cattle but it happened."

"I was on my way to Frostbite." Jonny shook his head. "Sorry but he can't do anything. Best you just ride it out here."

Danny stood up. Kitty walked over to him. "I know I'm breaking ghost code but I'm going to tell you about Ember." Danny's eyes widened. "She died in a suicide house fire. Be very carful it you see her. Don't tell her I told you." Danny let a nodded happen before the three ghosts left.

He flew around not really sure where to go. Then the Box Ghost bumped into him. "Hey ghost boy." "Box Ghost?"

He had an arm more mangled than the other one. His face was marked up on the same side of his arm. "Beware the falling boxes!"

Danny thought for a moment. Falling boxes? He found the Box Ghost in a warehouse the first time they met. Danny looked at him. "What happened?" The Box Ghost sigh. "Warehouse accident. We're you electrocuted?" Danny nodded. "Well I shall not be fighting you with cardboard boxes of doom."

Danny nodded again. "Thanks. I'm just here because the human world hurts." The Box Ghost sigh. "You learned it the hard way?" Danny nodded. "I can tell. You're shirtless and stuck as a human."

Danny looked down and realized that he was shirtless. He was so preoccupied with trying to stop the pain he forgot about his shirt.

The Box Ghost shrugged. "Not like I care." Danny wasn't self conscious but did find that he might stand out. More than usual anyway. "See you in the human world." The Box Ghost flew off but before yelling beware!

Danny looked at his watch. It wasn't even 10pm. Granted the burning feeling started pretty early but damn this was going to drag on.

Danny Phantom Blood moonWhere stories live. Discover now